
Hey Guys, Im New To Brink (Xbox360).. I REALLY need someone to give me a hand... [General Chat] (14)
Just......... [General Chat] (10)
Player looking for a competitive PC team [Competitive] (2)
Brink 2 is likely ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) [General Chat] (133)
Random Game Shutdown ( 2 ) [General Chat] (24)
'Skill' in Brink ( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ) [General Chat] (374)
aghhh! [General Chat] (7)
Blue screen issues [General Chat] (3)
Brink,not so popular? ( 2 3 ) [General Chat] (42)
Hey got a "new idea" (as if we don't have enough allready ;-) ) ( 2 ) [General Chat] (21)
help [General Chat] (4)
Brink Livestreaming [General Chat] (2)
PC players in Asia? [Competitive] (1)
Why no communication SD? ( 2 3 4 ) [General Chat] (70)
[PC] needz a clan for the ESL Autumn Cup [Competitive] (7)
Rahdo's words - what happened here? ( 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ) [General Chat] (1042)
Assault rifles have every single attachment Bar rapid fire and Snoop-R [General Chat] (6)
Console poll: accuracy/spread [General Chat] (12)
Can't join Servers ( 2 3 ) [General Chat] (50)
Hey Splash Damage, Brink is my favorite online game ever, and I'd buy 12 Brink 2's! [General Chat] (19)
Brink 1250 Club (Sign if you have all achievements) [General Chat] (8)
So sad this game isn't making it. Hey SD are you doing anything (different) about it? ( 2 3 ) [General Chat] (50)
Great Game [General Chat] (19)
What are your favorite maps in Brink now that we have the Agents of Change? ( 2 ) [General Chat] (22)
The next Shadowrun or the next comback success? [General Chat] (4)
Brink Preparing to Launch... & Nothing. [General Chat] (4)
Possible idea? Make brink freeroam ( 2 ) [General Chat] (35)
Ok im not going+ proof of new DLC ( 2 ) [General Chat] (23)
Stats Not Updating On Pre Owned Copy of BRINK for XBOX 360 [General Chat] (4)
Quiet In These Here Parts... ( 2 ) [General Chat] (35)