So sad this game isn't making it. Hey SD are you doing anything (different) about it?

(tokamak) #41

The wildly popular Counterstrike Source is all about six maps being played over and over again. Same thing with W:ET until the virulent custom **** killed the community.

It’s the way Brink functions as a shooter at it’s core that makes the game uninteresting regardless of the setting it’s being played in.

(MoonOnAStick) #42

[QUOTE=.FROST.;377968]But what content do you mean if not maps? And do you really think, tenthousands of people left Brink because of the weapons balance? It was shortage of maps, shortage of gameplay modes, the huge advantage for the defense in most missions and single mission objectives, and of course the very low weapons damage and the wide spread as you are implying.[/QUOTE]ET:QW only has 12 (official) maps, yet there are more people (right now on PC) playing that 4 year old game than are playing Brink. I agree that 8/10 maps probably isn’t enough (12 was cutting it a little fine) but, if the game is solid people will stick with those maps long enough to provide an audience for future DLC or amateur modders. At this point releasing an SDK is just throwing money away. Better to chalk it up to experience and move onto the next game.

Edit: Beaten to it by tokamak. Not sure they’ll get away with releasing only 6 maps for CS:GO though :wink:

(.FROST.) #43

MP gaming ate up too much time in my past so I stopped playing shooters. I came back with AvP 3 since its in parts(no Pred fan here) a franchise I love(Alien/Aliens). I had no interest in “serious” shooters, so I played AvP 3 exclusively for some time, at least in MP. I don’t pick up modern warfare shooters, even if they look so incredible awesome as they do now. Since every couple months there is a new one coming out and I wanted to stay with something strong and unique for a while. After well over 300hrs of AvP3 I decided to order Brink when its out. Its unique, its genre, its more or less sci fi or at least dystopic and post apocalyptic. Thats a clear win for me. I really feared that I’d play it 24/7. And I did play it quite extensively at the beginning even though there was so much stuff that annoyed me initially.

And since there is no genre MP in sight, wich would turn me on, I’ll play it till the last human left Brink and then I’ll hopefully stop MP gaming. I allready finished Dead Space 2(had it untouched on my shelf since the release. For a “special moment”) because I’m starting to shift my habits torwards strong SP games again. I’d do everything to keep Brink alive, but I’m oviously by far the last one who can do anything in this direction except of playing it. Its very sad to see such an potential filled IP die, where as every random MW shooter attracts so much attention and players.

I just watched the famous CC-gameplay promo vid, narrated by Paul W. again and became quite nostalgic. Man was I looking forward to this game. I thought they’d score big time with this game and we the players would too by picking it up.

Come on, this is the computer-game industry, there must be some kind of “revive”. I’m very interested what Bethesda said to SD. They must have said a lot over the last couple monts. Are there actually so much “suits” at Bethesda wich have absolutelly no clue that this freakin silence is as contra productive as it can be? Do they actually think their behaviour is smart? I can certify you Bethesda, that you did everything wrong post-release.

Though they released very good games and I’ll certainly pick up the super-ueber-limited edition of Rage.

But they can’t just leave Rage’s little MP-brother out in the rain. But maybe they(Beth) are striving for a more darwinian approach amongst their released or soon to be released games.

(Dormamu) #44

[QUOTE=.FROST.;378026]… Its very sad to see such an potential filled IP die, where as every random MW shooter attracts so much attention and players…
I will answer with a post from 2010

[QUOTE=Dormamu;224907]i used a tarot reading :smiley: to answer this question (PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE SPREAD), cards drawn:

  1. The past - The Hanged Man: Devotion to a worthwhile cause. Flexibility of mind and a willingness to adapt to changes. Sacrifice in the present to reap benefit in the future. A waiting period. Rebirth. Sacrificing one thing to obtain another. Transformation. Circumstances literally turned on their head…
    …RTCW:ET and the decision to give it free, sacrificing money to gain reputation and renown…
  2. The present - Temperance: Combination. Co-operation. Innovation through combination. Maturity in dealing with certain matters. A placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Meaning literally, temperance in the sense of harmony and balance. good management. An ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
    …ET:QW and Brink in his current form …
  3. The Future - The Six of Swords (The Lord of Earned Success): Gradual change, movement or travel away form difficulty or imminent danger. The solution of current problems. Long journeys and passage from pain. Obstacles that are overcome.
    …Brink in his final form …a bit blurry this card… if SD don’t forget the past and learn from the present then… i see a long journey and earned success…
    … and no competition :D[/QUOTE]
    :smiley: Have faith, SD didn’t put all the cards on the table :tongue:

(Adam2me) #45

[quote=.frost.;378026]mp gaming ate up too much time in my past so i stopped playing shooters. I came back with avp 3 since its in parts(no pred fan here) a franchise i love(alien/aliens). I had no interest in “serious” shooters, so i played avp 3 exclusively for some time, at least in mp. I don’t pick up modern warfare shooters, even if they look so incredible awesome as they do now. Since every couple months there is a new one coming out and i wanted to stay with something strong and unique for a while. After well over 300hrs of avp3 i decided to order brink when its out. Its unique, its genre, its more or less sci fi or at least dystopic and post apocalyptic. Thats a clear win for me. I really feared that i’d play it 24/7. And i did play it quite extensively at the beginning even though there was so much stuff that annoyed me initially.

And since there is no genre mp in sight, wich would turn me on, i’ll play it till the last human left brink and then i’ll hopefully stop mp gaming. I allready finished dead space 2(had it untouched on my shelf since the release. For a “special moment”) because i’m starting to shift my habits torwards strong sp games again. I’d do everything to keep brink alive, but i’m oviously by far the last one who can do anything in this direction except of playing it. Its very sad to see such an potential filled ip die, where as every random mw shooter attracts so much attention and players.

I just watched the famous cc-gameplay promo vid, narrated by paul w. Again and became quite nostalgic. Man was i looking forward to this game. I thought they’d score big time with this game and we the players would too by picking it up.

Come on, this is the computer-game industry, there must be some kind of “revive”. I’m very interested what bethesda said to sd. They must have said a lot over the last couple monts. Are there actually so much “suits” at bethesda wich have absolutelly no clue that this freakin silence is as contra productive as it can be? Do they actually think their behaviour is smart? I can certify you bethesda, that you did everything wrong post-release.

Though they released very good games and i’ll certainly pick up the super-ueber-limited edition of rage.

But they can’t just leave rage’s little mp-brother out in the rain. But maybe they(beth) are striving for a more darwinian approach amongst their released or soon to be released games.[/quote]

what he said

(Breo) #46

The problem with Brink is the gameplay (besides the balancing weapons/maps and technical issues)

  • Fragging isn’t rewarding (xp) while Brink is a “first person shooter”
  • There are too many secondary objects that split the team up: plant bomb, steal command post, fix crane etc.
  • We need a “sandbox” instead of a couple paths to the objects


(wolfnemesis75) #47

Brink just needs some new map packs just like every single other game that comes out now a days after 6 months. Nothing new. 4 more maps would do it. Keeping my fingers crossed. And you can’t stop me! Ha ha!

(Breo) #48

I’m afraid it’s not about the content cuz mappacks doesn’t fix anything.
The core gameplay of Brink doesn’t really fit the PC platform as a FPS.

Reamber the Brink free weekend on Steam with 10k players? They are vanished :s

(wolfnemesis75) #49

Core gameplay of Brink is great. I had a blast so far. Looking forward to what the future holds for Brink. Stay tuned. I have a feeling that the road doesn’t end here. Brink broke ground.

(INF3RN0) #50

I bet it’s gonna break your heart when nothing happens.