Possible idea? Make brink freeroam

(iezza) #1

Simply connect all the maps togethar and up the player limit to 64?

would be quite fun to say to say the least :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #2

Would love to see an MMOFPS on the Ark (or several islands/wrecks/boats/colonies Wind Waker style) but this is just stupid.

(sanDIOkan) #3

like u can get 64 players playing brink at same time hahahahahaha… ok nice joke

(iezza) #4

you score objectives and get points for your faction then, and the most points after about a week wins.

(L00fah) #5

Considering not all the maps are directly linked to one another, this idea really wouldn’t work.

If you’re looking for an MMOFPS (or an open world shooter) you’ll need to start from the ground up.

(H0RSE) #6

or just play PlanetSide…

(Crytiqal) #7

Or wait still DUST 514 arrives :smiley:

(.FROST.) #8

Dust 514 is PS3 exclusive or isn’t it?

If somebody wants to play on a couple hundred square miles maps, than there is nothing else but ArmA or ArmA2. If it has to be modern warfare it has to be ArmA. Assuming you have a rather high-end setup or the time to wait for the final patch. Wich of course can take well over a year after release :wink: .

(Crytiqal) #9

Yes it is, I bought a PS3 a few months ago just for that :wink:

I like the interaction with EVE Online it will have

(.FROST.) #10

Indeed, indeed. I’m so glad I don’t own a PS3, since I definitely wouldn’t have the time for RL then. I would’ve loved to play Killzone and so much! other PS titels. Its allready hard to not buy and play every PC titel wich appeals to me. E-gaming is a real drug.

(H0RSE) #11

Dust looks like it could be pretty good, but EVE was meh to me - probably because it seemed to have a high emphasis on PVP (or thee way they handled it) and I don’t play PVP in MMO’s.

(iezza) #12

Same here PvE is my speciality :slight_smile:

(Crytiqal) #13

EVE Online is more a gigantic economic market as far as I could understand in the limited gametime I had to play. Getting to play into those gigantic battles to control parts of the solar system would only be possible after a LOT of time and money invested into the game, which wasn’t really for me, altho the massive players playing/working together really got to me.

Now that gets translated into an FPS game that still has this massive interaction going on, but unsures I am fighting and get my portion of action without having to play hundreds of hours to get money is really what gets me so excited for this game.

It’s like the massive EVE universe combined with FPS with realtime interaction with the EVE players to assist you in ground battles from orbit (which really has an impact on both parties) seems to me like an epic adventure :slight_smile:

I hope it turns out that way and my PS3 purchase was worth it. I understand that DUST 514 also supports PS Move and I already got the gun :wink: (KILLZONE 3)

Sorry for going offtopic

(tokamak) #14

Dust is planned for the PC as well.

(Crytiqal) #15

No it’s not

PS3 exclusive.
All the rest is speculation if a later release will be ported to the PC but nothing official on that

A CCP spokesperson took to the stage during the Sony E3 2011 press conference to confirm that the upcoming MMO Dust 514 would be a PlayStation exclusive.

source: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/06/dust-514-is-a-ps3-exclusive/

(INF3RN0) #16

Your all on the wrong agenda, Guild Wars 2 is gonna rape face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBC_ig73aMs .

(H0RSE) #17

I’m looking forward to GW2. I played the first one a lot. The Old Republic looks promising as well.

(L00fah) #18

I’ve been waiting for that game for six years now…

But after getting butt raped by their lousy customer support, I won’t be getting this (undoubtedly) epic game.

(tokamak) #19

How does this have anything to do with anything said above?

(INF3RN0) #20

This thread is about MMO RPGs obviously. GW2 conceptual design is actually quite interesting in terms of combat, even if it’s not guns your using. Why do you care?