Recently needed to start playing Brink again as an ESL cup was announced, however every time i try to start brink, i get the steam message “Preparing to Launch Brink…” it closes and then nothing happens, the game doesn’t start at all and im left looking at my desktop screen.
I have noticed when i try to start the game in my steam status on friends list it shows i am ingame for about 2 seconds before closing and returning to the normal “Online” status.
I have been playing Brink for 270 hours fine…
Last time i played was Aug 21st for Gamescom final, but now that i need to start playing again (cup tomorrow) i need this fixed asap. :eek:
I’ve tried:
- Re-installing Brink
- Verified Game Integerity
- Defragmented cache files
- Tried previous ATI drivers - (even though latest 1’s ran the game fine with no issues before)
- Tried making exceptions in Firewalls/Anti virus software
- Tried launching the application from steam folder returns with an error:
System Setup:
Windows 7 64bit
Intel i5 750
ATI 5850
Only recent change i can think of is, that i unistalled an NVIDIA PhysX program the other day seeing as i dont use an Nvidia card… however does Brink require this to run? if so could use a download link.
Can someone please help me quickly as time is kinda important here… i’ve tried searching through alot of previous posts about this error and found no official fix from my searching, apart from 1 person re-installing windows 7 which i don’t want to consider atm. :mad:
Thanks for your help.