Hey got a "new idea" (as if we don't have enough allready ;-) )

(.FROST.) #1

Just watched the BRINK launch trailer(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrqhykRsKVI) and noticed(how could you not), that they were standing on top of their container housings(CGI part). If they’d be more or less connected this could literally add another level to the CC-map. It would encourage sniping, but it would also give the Security more options. It would be crazy if you could theoretically walk or better S.M.A.R.T your way from Sec spawn to the vaccine-vault deep in Res territory, all over the top containers.

I know that there would be some visual issues since you could see much further, but I guess there would be some creative solutions to solve this problem. The other maps are allways accessable where you would think they should, and even more. But CC is intentional locked on countless spots where S.M.A.R.T should’ve worked, starting at Sec Spawn.

(DarkangelUK) #2

I think the problem is, there are no roofs! I’m guessing the fps takes a pretty heavy hit when reaching certain heights and having to draw more, but on most of the containers the roofs have been removed, and the ones that do have them are purely visual and you fall through them.

It would be a nice idea, and tbh I was surprised how little we could explore on CC when the game was released since it seemed like the perfect map for high up adventures, but i’ll go with technical reasons for not being able to.

(.FROST.) #3

Nice pic, did you just made it?

I allready thought, that the roofs wouldn’t be visible where you wouldn’t see them at all. But at least at the spawn site it would improve this whole spawn rape issue if you could climb over the containers there. Since Sec can get sniped from two sides and can’t really do anything against it, especially when your team is weak/hesitant. Plus you could cover the HE-charge a lot better.

(BioSnark) #4

That idea for security spawn and Brink’s flat map design have been brought up. Wish there were a SDK.

(wolfnemesis75) #5

I also mentioned at one point it’d be Epic to be able to jump roof to roof on Container City. :slight_smile:

(DarkangelUK) #6

I think it was wolf’s post way back whence that made me take that screenshot. Parkour+containers seems like such an awesome combination for freedom of movement, stupid hardware limits!

(montheponies) #7

off-topic, but i don’t get why on cc there isn’t an equivalent sniper position to that above the gate that resistance get - just seems natural that it would reduce the ability to spawn camp since Sec have in reality only one exit (the most significant factor in spawncamping).

(.FROST.) #8

Don’t think you are “off topic”. And actually the Res has two sniper positions, each across(more or less) the two Security “entrances”. And yeah, the ability to counter-snipe and to cover the charge from a higher position would make it less convinient for the Res to spawn-rape the Sec or difuse the HE charge.
All in all it would be a huge game changer.

(cdoty15) #9

I don’t have that much trouble with being spawn camped on CC… I always rush the gate with my light and get there before everyone else… (probably wouldn’t work as well with randoms, I usually play with a group of people)

(NthLegion) #10

It works just fine with randoms.

On topic, I’d really like to see a map that is all rooftops, or something equivalent, where parkour is a necessity and failure to use parkour effectively means death or at least damage.

(cdoty15) #11

[QUOTE=NthLegion;379115]It works just fine with randoms.

On topic, I’d really like to see a map that is all rooftops, or something equivalent, where parkour is a necessity and failure to use parkour effectively means death or at least damage.[/QUOTE]
That would be beyond the most epic thing done in a FPS EVER!!!

(wolfnemesis75) #12

[QUOTE=NthLegion;379115]It works just fine with randoms.

On topic, I’d really like to see a map that is all rooftops, or something equivalent, where parkour is a necessity and failure to use parkour effectively means death or at least damage.[/QUOTE]I like this idea too.

(.Chris.) #13

The map Rooftops from Wolfenstein would be quite interesting in Brink thinking about it.

(wolfnemesis75) #14

Gears of War had a map where you fought on top of the roofs of buildings. It was called Rooftops.

(.Chris.) #15

Rooftops in Wolf:

There were areas where you could fall to your death and stuff, was one of my fave maps in this game.

(Crytiqal) #16

If only the controls werent so clunky, i had actually liked the game.
Imo it’s better than brink

(NthLegion) #17

That map looks good. I want something with gaps to jump that will kill or damage players if they fall. It’s so much fun when I get lucky and knock someone off the conduit on sec tower. Just wish that fall meant some damage.

(INF3RN0) #18

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;379367]If only the controls werent so clunky, i had actually liked the game.
Imo it’s better than brink[/QUOTE]

It got the shooting part down better lol.

(.Chris.) #19

Yeah, the movement was a little off, the speed was slightly too slow also but wasn’t far off from what it needed to be for the size of the maps, perhaps unlimited sprint would have been all that was needed. The guns for the most part were pretty well balanced from memory apart from that one gun I can’t remember the name of now.

Also the veil powers were actually quite nice, the engineer speed boost was pretty epic and lasted just enough to reach an objective area so for example on a doc run objective you would either use the boost to get to the documents or reserve it for when you are escaping with it.

The medic aura thing was fairly good also but people bashed it for been magic and such, I never understood that, not as if needles of green goo aren’t as far fetched.

The Soldier’s veil strike thing was bit weak though.

(Crytiqal) #20

If only it would have had an SDK… :frowning: