Brink   General Chat

Community Game Nights? ( 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ) (523)
Who Voiced Brink? (14)
Finished solo campaigns - any way to get all the audio clips? (9)
BRINK Game Night 8/20/12 (4)
coming back to Brink (10)
Third (10)
BRINK: The sequel ( 2 ) (29)
Oz70NYC's BRINK Gameplay Vids (5)
CRASH: Full System Restart Windows 7 X64 (19)
Brink wont start in steam (5)
Freeze up (2)
Crash When I try to change Archetype (4)
Funny Ishmael quotes (7)
Ping jumps to 999 ever few seconds in online play (3)
Brink crashes to desktop ( 2 ) (33)
Brink Hardcore ( 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ) (286)
Kill icons.. (6)
AI Bot feedbacks (6)
New Brink (15)
Getting crash to debugger warning? (2)
Sound cutting out (2)
Brink the Movie (5)
An official Brink soundtrack? (12)
Sound Problem (2)
GDC Talk Slides Available for Download: Building Brink's SMART System (14)
FREEZING ISSUE FOR ITALIAN PEOPLE temporarily SOLVED (waiting for the patch) (7)
Brink Doesn't open on startup. (4)
BRINK Game Day (4)
Bot-difficulty on dedicated server vs. bot-difficulty in offline-match? (3)
Is there a way to disable the glowing weapon effect ? (1)