BRINK: The sequel

(ivanho33) #1

i’m sure there are a lot of posts like this, but i figure that if we keep the pressure, maybe the developers will listen.

unfortunately, BRINK did not reach it’s full potential, in aspects of parkour, lack of missions,multiplayer that could be a little more developed, class balancing and small twicks that would improve the gameplay. HOWEVER, we can’t deny the game’s sheer creativity, awesome singleplayer experience, amazing customization and so on and so forth. All of these reasons are exactly why there should be a sequel to brink- embracing brink’s full potential and becoming a 10\10 game. As such, the developers should know what their audience demands, and answer accordingly, so that they can get full validation that this game is in fact, has the entire brink experience and our full support.
With that said, this thread is basically the demands of brink 2, on all it’s aspects. Let me start with the story.

The story begins at the end of the resistance campaign. Nechayev has found the mainland, but unfortunately, he lands and get’s captured by the savages. Nechayev has no choice but to them the location of the ark, and the savages make their way. on their arrival, a small resistance militia accepts them, but they are soon defeated as the guests make their way towards the upper ark. At first, they are stopped, but as security sees the approaching wave of attackers, they start fighting them, as the resistance force joins them to save one another. at the end of the attack, the remaining guests live in a refugee camp near the dividing wall, as the savages, known as the “scavengers” took most of container city, and more of them are coming. an emergency council meeting takes place, including brother Chen and Makuena. knowing that they could not defeat the raiders alone, Makuena joins forces with the resistance, as long as Chen will stop leading the resistance, living Makuena in charge of the combined force known as “ark united”. after this union, Chen finds out more about the attackers, and comes to the conclusion that if they defeat them, the people of the ark can move to the mainland, formally the rocky mountains. Chen decides to tell Makuena about the faulty arkoral, and also about his plan to take the scavengers’s land. Makuena and Chen maintain a hostile relationship, but work together for the best of the ark. Knowing that there is hope, more and more people join the forces of the ark united, as it is now devised into to groups- the ark guardians, who keep the raiders at bay, and the strikers who try and take control of the mainland that is now a giant refugee camp. as the strikers arrive at the mainland, they discover another tribe battling the scavengers- the iron cable, who control a rich metal quarry, and hold extremely strong armaments and equipment.

there should be at least 15 missions, and some optional mission, that are unnecessary, but completing them will result in a good reward, like helping the iron cable will result in new weapons and weapons attachments, or even some iron cable missions.

another aspect could be more parkour compatibility, that should basically be places that parkour means more in them, like rails that the light body type can slide to get to make a shortcut, or so on.

the rest is up to you.

(DarkangelUK) #2

It’s up to Bethesda, they own the IP.

(zenstar) #3

Which you can find with a quick search and they all pretty much end in “even if they wanted to Bethesda owns the rights and noone is funding it.”

Your best bet is to try convince them to kickstart a spiritual successor to Brink that doesn’t cross any IP boundries… but then you’d also have to convince them to scrap the projects they’ve already moved onto. Personally I’d like them to keep moving forward and not rehash a game that would be weighed down by history.

I’m sure there’ll be another ET style game in the future. Be patient.

(wolfnemesis75) #4

There are lots of folks who would like a Brink 2 and also for much of what you list. Its up to Bethesda. Since, Brink was their only real shooter that they released with a PVP that was Shooter based, hopefully, they see some potential. Although it did not fair well critically, Brink is a new IP that broke some ground. In today’s current game and movie business, any sequel has a HUGE leg-up over a new IP.

The only company that tries to push out new IPs is Sony, and they seem to have a broader view of what they consider successful and seem to have more realistic expectations for those titles. While many other Publishers seem to expect (unrealistically) for a game to sell out in its first go. A game like Kingdoms of Alamurr, they were hoping to sell 3+ million copies! How unrealistic is that? Same goes for Homeland, and a bunch of other titles released in the past couple of years. Its all about sequels right now, and some brand recognition.

Hopefully, this will be the case for Brink. With some improvements, and using the feedback generated from the first Brink, I still feel that there could be a sequel that would be good.

Only time will tell.

(zenstar) #5

If Bethesda push a shooter with multiplayer from this point I think they’ll probably go with Rage. There’s already rumours of Rage content in the pipeline and id software do know what they’re doing when it comes to MP so they could make a few changes to it to add some DM arena thing???

A Brink2 wouldn’t be a bad thing if it got the polishing time. I just hink Bethesda won’t push it, at least not for a while.

(SammyBoyFTW) #6

I don’t think Splash Damage should be focussing on a sequel, when it’s clear that the vanilla game BRINK has fallen far short of its potential. Use the Codemasters Operation Flashpoint debacle as an example here.

What I think should be done is that SD continue their work on the original BRINK, and try and make it the best it can be.

At the moment the game is still overpriced given its standing amongst top games played every day, and consideration should be placed on perhaps lowering the price in relation to the top contenders. SD should also consider a few more free weekend promotional offers, as an enticement to draw new players to the new and improved BRINK, far better than what it was several months ago.

Attention should be given to the voice of the community as a whole. This forum should be the top priority in terms of public connection. Start a few surveys, and see what the general public thinks should be included, tweeked, or balanced.

This game is still a great game to me personally, and after all the effort that has been poured into it I would love to see it grow out of the shadow its currently in.

Remember that a customer that has had a bad experience with a product before will probably not fall for the same trick again in a sequel. Tread carefully.

(zenstar) #7

[QUOTE=SammyBoyFTW;403711]I don’t think Splash Damage should be focussing on a sequel, when it’s clear that the vanilla game BRINK has fallen far short of its potential. Use the Codemasters Operation Flashpoint debacle as an example here.

What I think should be done is that SD continue their work on the original BRINK, and try and make it the best it can be.

At the moment the game is still overpriced given its standing amongst top games played every day, and consideration should be placed on perhaps lowering the price in relation to the top contenders. SD should also consider a few more free weekend promotional offers, as an enticement to draw new players to the new and improved BRINK, far better than what it was several months ago.

Attention should be given to the voice of the community as a whole. This forum should be the top priority in terms of public connection. Start a few surveys, and see what the general public thinks should be included, tweeked, or balanced.

This game is still a great game to me personally, and after all the effort that has been poured into it I would love to see it grow out of the shadow its currently in.

Remember that a customer that has had a bad experience with a product before will probably not fall for the same trick again in a sequel. Tread carefully.[/QUOTE]

Bethesda owns Brink. Not SD. Bethesda aren’t paying for more work on Brink and SD have moved on to other projects.

And if you look around you can pick Brink up for £5. That’s definitely not overpriced.

(TruGamer97) #8

They could make Brink much better but i’m sure Bethesda will never allow a Brink 2.

(RT1) #9

Not with the spoiled army of faithful haters this game has.

(zenstar) #10

There are no faithful haters. Everyone who hates the game has moved on a long time ago.
Anyone still hanging around either still plays or really likes SD and wished that Brink lived up to the standards of their previous games (this is a whole other argument - search the forums for full details).

Still blaming the game’s shortcomings on shadowy saboteurs and an army of haters is just self delusional. Noone out there is actively working against the game at all.

Trying to make it into an Us vs Them situation is just a false dichotomy. Most people don’t even have an opinion on the game. It wasn’t their cup of tea and they moved on without a second thought.

(RT1) #11

There certainly are, and a sizeable sample of them aren’t doing much aside from trolling the Warchest Games forums, having not played a game in months. Haters? Most definitely.

What’s that acronym? GTFO? That’s the way I see things if you’re not a playing member.

(DarkangelUK) #12

That’s because you’re very naive and think solely playing a game and announcing to everyone on the forum that you do is the only way to support a dev. I think it’s also worth noting that 90% of the so called hardcore ‘Got TFO’ a long time ago.

(4 threads in the WarChest forum, lol @ sizeable)

(RT1) #13

What, you think I’m on some sort of campaign here to win friends an influence people?


The least anyone could do is stop their bitching and play the game. You know, like I do pretty much every day of the week. What’s all the bitching worth if you refuse to play the game? Moreover, where’s the context? You are a straight up troll if you’re a hater and you’re still on this forum over a full year and a half after this game was released, and as you say, that some “90% of the so-called hardcore GTFO a long time ago.”


(DarkangelUK) #14

As I said, you have a limited mind. You think you’re actually ‘supporting’ here? Btw I’ve been on the forum a lot longer than that, and will be here long after you’re gone. Where’s your support in the main forum and giving feedback on the community questions? You think this is you ‘supporting’? Narrow minded naivety doesn’t do anyone any good. I know why I’m here, you have no idea because your little mind can’t understand. You don’t understand the basics of what makes a troll and what makes a hater, you’re been spewing the same nonsense since day one, and this long after you’re still failing to grasp it. I’m not denying that they exist, I’m just absolutely certain that you couldn’t spot one if he slapped his nutsack in your face and tea bagged you to high heaven. And as for telling users to ‘gtfo’, yeah good luck with that one young man. Seems the most hate spewing I’ve seen around here has come directly from yourself… oh the irony.

(RT1) #15

You assume too much. I spoke nothing of any sort of support. If I create an account on a gaming forum, it’s to share strategies with like-minded individuals who play the game. Haters are everywhere, but I find myself soiling my shoes fairly frequently here from all the smelly defecation you and they leave behind.

So yeah, GFTO High Minister of the Peanut Gallery. If ya don’t play, don’t stay. That’s what I say. GTFO.

And before you go off flapping your lips about the young man bit, know that I’m almost eight years your senior. Thanksmuch.

(DarkangelUK) #16

Actually I said the young man to see how much of a limited mind you have, set the bait, see if he falls for it and all and you did, so that’s the little science experiment over.

So exactly who are you to question who plays and who doesn’t? People need to prove to miss thang that they play regularly before they’re allowed to post? As I said, good luck with that one dude, not gonna happen… the sooner you realise that the better. There are people here to play less than you, if at all, but will still bring a metric ****ton more feedback than you will, because as i said, you’re naive. At the risk of repeating myself, narrow minded naivety doesn’t help anyone.

(wolfnemesis75) #17

^ Well, I guess some things never change! LMAO. A Brink 2 would still be cool in my book. Most games now-a-days are sequels anyway. Or re-boots.

(DarkangelUK) #18

I would love a Brink sequel, and in the very unlikely scenario that that ever happened, chances are SD would listen to what’s been said and take into account the lifespan of the first game, and that would make the 2nd game completely different so wouldn’t be the Brink that the dedicated followers like just now… for that reason alone I would like a Brink 2, just to see the reaction from the ‘fans’ :wink:

(zenstar) #19

Excuse me while I point out that it’s against the forum rules to tell anyone to GTFO unless you are a moderator.
EVERYONE is allowed to voice their opinions here even if you don’t want to hear them. The only people that get to tell people to shut it are the mods.

(.Chris.) #20

[QUOTE=RT1;404122]You are a straight up troll if you’re a hater and you’re still on this forum over a full year and a half after this game was released, and as you say, that some “90% of the so-called hardcore GTFO a long time ago.”


I’ve been around on these boards since 2004, contributed to discussions on all 3 of SD’s games, yeah they made games before Brink and they weren’t perfect either, built custom content for their past two games and would have for Brink if the tools were released and supported others in making their own content. So no I wont GTFO because when some fanboy who thinks playing 600+ hours makes him special tells me to.