Funny Ishmael quotes

(Smokeskin) #1

Saw this one today: “The Ark uses Maintenance Bots to drag heavy items around. They’ll only move if someone is nearby. Which isn’t very safe, really.”

(Skan) #2

I was thinking about making new thread, but this one will do. The most important question is:

Who is Ishmael?

(DouglasDanger) #3

The manual tells you who Ishmael is.

(H3LLS1) #4

[QUOTE=Skan;324639]I was thinking about making new thread, but this one will do. The most important question is:

Who is Ishmael?


(Dopaminergic) #5

That’s not funny. Also, who is Ishmael?

(Skan) #6

My manual tells me:

“Tajemnicza Ishmael wita Cię w Arce, podając się za jedną z jej Założycielek. Oczekuje też od Ciebie wyboru ścieżki. Po której stronie się opowiesz?”

No anwers, only more questions. Oh, and she/he have ID no. AIN 00,000,004, and she/he have unlimited water rations. MOOAAR!

(Nightingale_001) #7

One of the founders,apparently the oldest
who has seems to find peaceful land outside the ark,despite most land are in as bad condition as the ark
you know the email barbara elmhurst got?its from her