New Brink

(Jakobe) #1

Splashdamage needs to make a brink two or something. By upgrading everything, new guns, new abilities,maybe new classes, new clothes to customize your character and also a new and more interesting story and maybe new alliances not just the resistance and the security. That would be awesme. Please look into this.

(tokamak) #2

Wrong thread, your first time post should be in the raffle thread in order to win.

(tangoliber) #3

They are not making a new Brink, but their new game should be similar and better. :slight_smile:

(zenstar) #4

Bethesda most likely own the rights to the Brink IP and it doesn’t look like Splash Damage and Bethesda are working together on anything at this point.
That doesn’t discount a new ET style game (which is basically what Brink is at it’s core) but there probably won’t be a Brink 2.

Personally I’d like to see a Quake Wars 2. I liked the assymetrical sides and I like the Strogg / the Quake IP.

(Darksider) #5

Brink will take it’s place in the history book, meaning don’t count on seeing another Brink, like someone said Bethesda own the rights and have the say how on what happens with Brink. SD new game in the works may be similar to the ideology of Brink and then some but certainly not another Brink Sequel.

(RT1) #6

If (and I stress if) they make another Brink, the technology to limit purchasing to non-haters would and should be developed in parallel. :wink:

(DarkangelUK) #7

If Locki wakes up one day and says “hmm, how I can I bankrupt the company?” I’d hope he would use your idea to do it :smiley:

(Dormamu) #8

(.Chris.) #9

You can achieve this without such a technology by simply developing the game that you promised to make.

(wolfnemesis75) #10

Brink should come out on the Nintendo Wii U. Look its the operative’s PDA!

Hacking the Security Terminal! :smiley:

(xAeroAtlas) #11

If they would release a Brink 2 i would be first inline a buy 5 copies. And I’m PC lol
But sadly I don’t think they own the IP anymore, but I hope they make a spiritual sucessor that’s basically Brink 2. That also might be good to keep people from being ****s about it.

(wolfnemesis75) #12

Hey, just read on Pc website that Splash damage is working on a title for console. Could it be a Brink 2? I’d buy it. Ha ha!

(zenstar) #13

Unless they’re working with Bethesda (which I don’t think they are) it won’t be Brink 2. At least: it won’t be Brink 2 in name.

(thevoice) #14

i agree with that it would be more like brink: the brinking brinker

(xAeroAtlas) #15

I really hope so