Community Game Nights?

(Tom12121112) #501

since i hate having parallel discussions, can all questions be directed to the private matches topic?

(wolfnemesis75) #502

Private matches were fun last night. Anyone else want to join in, just drop your name here or in the private match thread. We can shuffle the teams and try to keep them even as possible. We worked out some kinks last night and we can figure out a system that keeps the teams the same number on each. :slight_smile:

(SinDonor) #503

I am out tonight. Gonna jam on some Deus Ex.

(wolfnemesis75) #504

[QUOTE=SinDonor;373879]I am out tonight. Gonna jam on some Deus Ex.[/QUOTE]Have fun. Let us know how it is! I am curious. :slight_smile:

(SinDonor) #505

Played Deus Ex for a few hours after we were done playing Brink. It is very good so far. Gotta use ammo wisely. I am used to spraying like in Brink and ran out of ammo immediately in DeusEX. Story is great so far and the atmosphere is awesome.

(L00fah) #506

I just did the same thing over on the Bethesda forums and had a REALLY successful night. Considering the active members on these boards, I can’t imagine you wouldn’t be able to have better success here. :stuck_out_tongue:

(its al bout security) #507

oh yeah just got the interwebs back and ill be getting my copy of brink back.

totally excited to see how many hardcores are still playing

(SinDonor) #508

[QUOTE=its al bout security;375904]oh yeah just got the interwebs back and ill be getting my copy of brink back.

totally excited to see how many hardcores are still playing[/QUOTE]

Who ARE you??!?

(wolfnemesis75) #509

[QUOTE=its al bout security;375904]oh yeah just got the interwebs back and ill be getting my copy of brink back.

totally excited to see how many hardcores are still playing[/QUOTE]OMG. The legend return from the abysses! The mighty Lago Coach. Glad to see you back, brother. :slight_smile:

(its al bout security) #510

yeah brink burnout is long gone i am ready to play!

i guess a month without live is good :slight_smile: totally stoked

(wolfnemesis75) #511

that’s great, man. I am hoping to play some Brink tonight! And on the weekend. Join in when you get back on. :slight_smile:


Xbox 360 Gamertag: FULL CLIP NR

Add me to your friends list. Really like the game and interested in competitive team play.

(Jim_di_Griz) #513

Sadly a bit late for me in the UK. Good to see folks still regularly having fun though.

(wolfnemesis75) #514

We need to get folks signing up for the Holiday Ladder! Check it out on Brink The

(its al bout security) #515

hmm i guess i missed it. :confused: but i guess ill be on sometime soon maybe we could get something going

(wolfnemesis75) #516

We did one Clan Match so far, to Pho7on’s clan… they killed us in Epic fashion. You’re welcome to join our RiF Clan if you want. Ask SinDonor for an invite.

(lucien23) #517

Is there any clans for ps3? im uk and im on pretty much most eveings and days, my psn is: deathman_23
its so hard to find a decent match at the moment! :eek:

(I1Relentless1I) #518

my xbox 360 gamertag is I1Relentless1I (those are capitol i’s in the beginning and end) feel free to add me. just got the game again and would love to play with some people.

(Zeatic) #519

Zeatic GT looking for players xbox avg GS 12-18k pacific time
play each class and play well

(nephandys) #520

Community is nonexistent no more patches or dlc coming. But feel free to add me