Community Game Nights?

(nephandys) #301

Planning to get a 360 party going around 8PM EST tonight. Maybe a bit earlier, but I doubt it.

(SinDonor) #302

I will be there with my brand new level 1 Assault character. Should be noobielicious! Pwntabulous! Suxxorific! Craptacular! Or, uh, I got nothin.

(Jess Alon) #303

Sorry I haven’t been around. I haven’t given up on Brink. I just got sidetracked by the black hole that is minecraft.

(its al bout security) #304

OH GOD NOOO jesssss!!! hell never come back to mine craft! yeah we have been wondering about you and horse

(St NickelStew) #305

Lago, thanks for disarming that mine for my friend WhiskeyNick last night. He is now just 1 achievement away from his first 1000/1000 game.

(wolfnemesis75) #306

I will be playing tonight. Hopefully, I can join up with you all. I still want to get some Stopwatch matches going…

(nephandys) #307

I’m down for all Stopwatch tonight. Should be a nice change of pace.

Shooting to be on around 7:30PM EST tonight. Good games last night as always. I apologize to NickelStew and WhiskeyNick for going on that killing spree in that last Sec Tower match 8 on 3 just ain’t fair.

(Jess Alon) #308

What time is everyone playing? I might get on around 8 but I need to get back off around 10:30.

(wolfnemesis75) #309

I will be on at 9pm.

(St NickelStew) #310

[QUOTE=nephandys;348213]I’m down for all Stopwatch tonight. Should be a nice change of pace.

Shooting to be on around 7:30PM EST tonight. Good games last night as always. I apologize to NickelStew and WhiskeyNick for going on that killing spree in that last Sec Tower match 8 on 3 just ain’t fair.[/QUOTE]

I quickly grew to dislike frags with with extra damage/radius, and re-spec-ed a soldier character today to be sure to get those abilities! I was one of the Ops hacking, and thankfully knew after getting killed what you were doing with your lob-grenades-in-from-afar tactic, so next time I hid inside. But then we got stuck. Ugh.

(SinDonor) #311

Going to $1 taco and beer night. Friend’s b-day party. So far on the invite, it’s 14 ladies and 6 guys. Dear diary, jackpot.

Be on tomorrow night.

(nephandys) #312

Totally slacked last night after I got d/c’d just finished up my 1000/1000. I’ll be on tonight ready to go at 8PM EST.

(wolfnemesis75) #313

Post in the 1000/1000 Club. Yeah, we missed you last night. It was slow until 11pm, then got crazy busy. Once we had a full party, we never lost. It was Death, Lago, Darksolar, and few others. Fun times.

How was Tower Defense? Did it take a few tries?

(its al bout security) #314

going out of state wont be on for about 4 days, from california to here its about a 7 hour drive and im shipping off at about 7, im going to be tired :frowning:

(wolfnemesis75) #315

Wow. This will be your first night off from Brink? And the DLC comes out soon…have fun in California. I’d love to travel there some day…

(its al bout security) #316

my first day off brink since it came out :eek: thats absurd i need time off.

(MrMasonsPuppets) #317

I played against you guys last night and got rolled. Nice game!

(its al bout security) #318

whats your gt?

(MrMasonsPuppets) #319

Same as my forum name

(nephandys) #320

[QUOTE=wolfnemesis75;348732]Post in the 1000/1000 Club. Yeah, we missed you last night. It was slow until 11pm, then got crazy busy. Once we had a full party, we never lost. It was Death, Lago, Darksolar, and few others. Fun times.

How was Tower Defense? Did it take a few tries?[/QUOTE]
No. I beat it my first run through. But in order to get the achievement you need to beat all 3 stars on the same character. So then I had to go find the one I had 3 star Be More Objective already done on and do all the rest of the challenges on 3 star on him.

I had to delevel my soldier to after getting the satchel charge achievement cause I want to get Napalm Grenade when it shows up. So then I was trying to get him leveled back up (he’s still short on 20).

Yeah I haven’t lost at all this week. I have one loss on my stats page but it’s where I was working on figuring out a way to farm XP.