Community Game Nights?

(wolfnemesis75) #321

i sent you a friend request. I can help with any achievos you need if you are going for those, like Tough As Nails. And you are welcome to join us in Freeplay!

(MrMasonsPuppets) #322

Thanks for the friend request. I already got 100/100 but I appreciate the offer.

(its al bout security) #323

ahh ill see you on sometime

if our party isnt full drop in some time i wouldnt mind playing.

(Jess Alon) #324

If lago’s going away I might play with you guys sometime. :wink:

(wolfnemesis75) #325

Yeah. Since Lago got a mic I miss the days when he was without one. Chatty Cathy :tongue:

(its al bout security) #326

told you wish i didnt have one. whats the point of having a mic if you dont use the heck out of it :smiley:

(wolfnemesis75) #327

You are right. Just giving you a hard time. It is always more fun with a Mic! You have good insight of the game to share with the uninitiated.

(its al bout security) #328


do we get to do hazing rituals now?

(wolfnemesis75) #329

[QUOTE=its al bout security;348822]“uninitiated”

do we get to do hazing rituals now?[/QUOTE]

Yes it involves a pair of pliers and a blow torch…:eek:

(SinDonor) #330

Sent you a fr on XBL. I’ll be on tonight and sporadically during the 3 day weekend.

(its al bout security) #331

trip comencing in about 30 minutes cya guys! talk your trash now :smiley:

(wolfnemesis75) #332

Dream of Californication.

(SinDonor) #333

You sound like a girl. An angry, man-hating, spastic, kinda gruff, boot-wearing, plaid-shirted girl.

Have a safe trip.:slight_smile:

(SinDonor) #334

I’m out for tonight. Got called to play goalie for a team at 8pm.

Sorry, boys. Be on this weekend I hope.

(Jess Alon) #335

So. My daughter came today. So I will probably not be on for a little while longer.

(St NickelStew) #336


(Jess Alon) #337

Thank bro! It was a homebirth. I don’t think it’s possible to be more tired then I am now.

(wolfnemesis75) #338

Hey man, congratulations!

(nephandys) #339

Grats Jess!

Oh, and as far as all the crazy disconnects going on apparently PS3 users are experiencing the same thing. I pulled this from that PS3 appreciation thread:

"Last week there were no disconnects and know this week there are many. I wonder what is going on. "

(wolfnemesis75) #340

[QUOTE=nephandys;349611]Grats Jess!

Oh, and as far as all the crazy disconnects going on apparently PS3 users are experiencing the same thing. I pulled this from that PS3 appreciation thread:

"Last week there were no disconnects and know this week there are many. I wonder what is going on. "[/QUOTE]

It was very glitchy last night. Some were talking about Tornadoes and such, so that could’ve been some of it: just internet in general seemed not right yesterday. We struggled a bit after you signed off. Once we were down to four or less it was tough sledding. We lost a refuel, then came back and held on CC. Too tired after that. I ended up playing some Bayonetta afterwards.

As soon as I sign in on Brink I get a crazy amount of party invites and messages all at once. There were so many people all trying to be in the same match! We have to figure out a way to get two parties in the same match…even if we do Stopwatch to get it done!