Finished solo campaigns - any way to get all the audio clips?

(joe_fabritz) #1


I got Brink on the Steam deal and have played through all of the missions solo and had a good time, no play issues, but had some trouble sometimes making objectives with my bot players (the security surface missile one in particular).

I will probably not play it online, but would love to hear all the other audio clips I did not get so I can get the most out of the plot.

Is there any way to get all the clips like a cheat code without playing the missions over and over to earn them?


(tangoliber) #2

I’m pretty sure they just come with XP? I could be wrong. But you should eventually get them from just playing the single player campaign.

(wolfnemesis75) #3

Level up your character to Level 20, which should unlock all of the Audio. I listened to them a few times, and there’s some cool back story.

(NthLegion) #4

Like the other posters, I’m not exactly sure how the audio unlocks work, but I think they unlock by completing all the side objectives on each map. Try doing a side objective you haven’t done before and see if you get a new audio log.

(zenstar) #5

I think it unlocks randomly for the side you’re playing (iirc).
I just played through the missions a few times each and eventually they were all unlocked.

(light_sh4v0r) #6

I was under the impression there was one for each possible map ending. So you have to win and lose every map on both sides to get all.

(wolfnemesis75) #7

I think this is right. I did them a while ago, one of the first things I finished.

(Exedore) #8

I’d check out this thread:

I had to use that to get the achievement myself… :eek: I had all of them except the 2nd one for defending Terminal, or something.

Let’s just say I’d design that achievement differently if I could do it again!

(Jim_di_Griz) #9

Yeah, I had to go searching - looks like the above link came from another source:True Achievements

There are a few for ‘holding the line’ ie: stopping the other side from completing their first objective. I only had two uncollected by the time I had completed the game and so thught maybe the challenges needed to be done as well - not the case.

Anyway, I have it now - just missing the “That mine you spotted - disarmed” one…