Community Game Nights?

(SinDonor) #361

On tonight FOR SURE! I mean, the sun is out and all, but 6 straight nights of partying has lightened my wallet and expanded my gut. Time to nerd it up.

(its al bout security) #362

might not be on dust storms cuasing some electric problems.

(wolfnemesis75) #363

I may lay low tonight; its hotter than a ******** where I am… so if you don’t see me on, that’s why! Nice sig:wink:

(thesuzukimethod) #364


(its al bout security) #365


i realized you live in arizona, and know i know pretty close to where you live :smiley:

that dustorm didnt go through many places! (actually you could live any where within a huge mountain range but still :cool: attack of the pedo.)

anyway yeah that over a mile high and 50 mile wide dust storm. blew out the power have to clean fix peoples refrigerators light pilot lights and fix swamp coolers. for 30 units, oh the joys of my job just caught up with me.

(thesuzukimethod) #366

[QUOTE=its al bout security;352482]i realized you live in arizona, and know i know pretty close to where you live :smiley:

that dustorm didnt go through many places! (actually you could live any where within a huge mountain range but still :cool: attack of the pedo.)

anyway yeah that over a mile high and 50 mile wide dust storm. blew out the power have to clean fix peoples refrigerators light pilot lights and fix swamp coolers. for 30 units, oh the joys of my job just caught up with me.[/QUOTE]

Actually didn’t take the photo of phoenix, was in the AZ daily star…i’m actually down in TUS, so that storm roiled up down this-a-way, and then blasted north to the big PHX…gotta love the monsoon, eh? (i just assumed you were in PHX with a location of hell arizona, but that might be my Tucsonan bias…lol)

(its al bout security) #367

budump tush you got me. pheonix it is.

(nephandys) #368

Looking to do some Stopwatch tonight. I’ll be on around 8PM EST sooner if possible.

(SinDonor) #369

I’ll try to bail out of work by 5pm, hope to be on by 6-630pm PST.

(SinDonor) #370

Oh yeah, one more thing: I have no problem listening to some kid’s squeaky voice over the party chat if they’re gonna be playing Brink with us. But, I’d like to request that whoever starts the party on XBL tonight, if we have any kids join and they’re squeakin’ away while playing Halo or CoD or whatever instead of Brink, can we please kick them out of the party?

I’d rather all the chatter be about the Brink match we’re in and not kids squealing about how “frikkin l33t that plasma sword kill was”. ESPECIALLY when that prepubescent squealing sounds like a boiling tea kettle in the middle of chipmunk mating season.

(nephandys) #371

[QUOTE=SinDonor;352913]Oh yeah, one more thing: I have no problem listening to some kid’s squeaky voice over the party chat if they’re gonna be playing Brink with us. But, I’d like to request that whoever starts the party on XBL tonight, if we have any kids join and they’re squeakin’ away while playing Halo or CoD or whatever instead of Brink, can we please kick them out of the party?

I’d rather all the chatter be about the Brink match we’re in and not kids squealing about how “frikkin l33t that plasma sword kill was”. ESPECIALLY when that prepubescent squealing sounds like a boiling tea kettle in the middle of chipmunk mating season.[/QUOTE]
lol sure np

(SinDonor) #372

(its al bout security) #373

lol stupid 1337 halo kids

(nephandys) #374

Anyone planning to be on tonight? I’m shooting for 8PM EST, but I’m up for whenever. If we can get at least 8 lets actually get some Stopwatch going.

(SinDonor) #375

Fun last night. Even after the forum crew left, I just joined a public game solo and ended up in another 8v8 match. Anyone who is screaming about this game being dead doesn’t play on Xbox Live. My Assault guy is now lvl 10, rank 3! Hooray.

I’m out for tonight though. After work, I am going to hockey. After hockey, I am going to the bar. After the bar, I hope to be going to some sleazy motel room with an unhappily-married soccer mom. I’d prefer to be going to a sorority full of spunky, lonely co-ed cheerleaders, but we all know that ain’t ever gonna happen. Might as well hope for something a bit more realistic.

(ifistursist3r) #376

Add me to the list.

(initialgvp) #377

add me please! Initial gvp

(wolfnemesis75) #378

adding you fellas now!

(SinDonor) #379

Good playing tonight. Can’t believe we actually lost a game. I am still in shock.

Off to hockey…

(wolfnemesis75) #380

We played around 3 full Stopwatch matches last night. First time we’re able to do that. I thought it went well once the teams were evened out and we sent out invites.