Brink Hardcore

(St NickelStew) #161

Whew … I finally figured out how to get my “normal” avatar up on this site. Thank goodness for free gif resizing on websites. Not great looking, but recognizable.

(peteXnasty) #162

I think its funny that 0 of the people who posted on this forum before the brink section existed and who racked up the most posts discussing, dissecting, and defending brink prior to release

Are nowhere to be found in this thread

(its al bout security) #163

security please

(its al bout security) #164

it looked real small on Google lol im sorry, but i might just leave it there just to show inter web might

(St NickelStew) #165

My favorite class is Light Medic.
My favorite faction is Security.
My XBL tag is “St NickelStew”

I have never had/used a sig before, so hopefully not too hard to get up. I figured I needed to be at least smart enough to get an avatar up before even thinking about a sig.

(Jimmy James) #166

It’s because he linked as opposed to uploading it.


(Oschino1907) #167

[QUOTE=St NickelStew;355556]My favorite class is Light Medic.
My favorite faction is Security.
My XBL tag is “St NickelStew”

I have never had/used a sig before, so hopefully not too hard to get up. I figured I needed to be at least smart enough to get an avatar up before even thinking about a sig.[/QUOTE]

Check back a few pages, I explain how to edit your sig or user title under your name.

(digitalzero) #168

[QUOTE=peteXnasty;355550]I think its funny that 0 of the people who posted on this forum before the brink section existed and who racked up the most posts discussing, dissecting, and defending brink prior to release
Are nowhere to be found in this thread[/QUOTE]

An interesting observation. Who are these people? A brief history of the SD forum pre-Brink?
I guess I could look back if there are some posts to review. Thanks.

(TruGamer97) #169

I need me a personalized sig aswell :wink:

(thesuzukimethod) #170

[QUOTE=digitalzero;355508]:smiley: If you have the chance, try Booker’s Bourbon. It’s quite good.

Suzuki, take your sig from my sig. Much better.[/QUOTE]

got it (i think) (my monitor resolution leaves a bit to be desired and placebo effect is a mofo…:)… (edit: no i can see it now…thanks!)

all this talk of liquor is making me thirsty…more of a gin/mezcal (not together) guy in the summer though.

(digitalzero) #171

Post up what you want and I’ll get to it when I can. Pics help. :cool:

(iezza) #172

Who wants my work in progress one?

(iezza) #173

Just made the sheild much smaller if thats wahts putting you off it, just relized how big he wuz!

(TruGamer97) #174

[QUOTE=digitalzero;355571]Post up what you want and I’ll get to it when I can. Pics help. :cool:[/QUOTE] Sadly I have know idea what i want but something that involves security and looks badass

(St NickelStew) #175

Thanks much for the suggestion … though I just went and changed both without first looking at your post. :slight_smile:

Not too difficult, really. But this forum has a more strict file size requirement for avatars than any other forum I frequent. Because the file was too big the upload was rejected and so I just stuck with one of those available on the forums. Finally figured out file size was the culprit (I didn’t even know how big the old one was) and found a website to get it fixed.

(Throbblefoot) #176

“She’s got a gold tooth you know she’s hardcore
She’ll show you a good time then she’ll show you the door!”

  • Hey Ladies, Beastie Boys (video)


(wolfnemesis75) #177

[QUOTE=Throbblefoot;355581]“She’s got a gold tooth you know she’s hardcore
She’ll show you a good time then she’ll show you the door!”

  • Hey Ladies, Beastie Boys (video)


Nice vid reference. Best band I ever saw live and I seen a HUGE list of bands! Back in the 90s. :smiley:

(AmishWarMachine) #178

[QUOTE=R_Shackelford;355472]Hate to critique your excellent work, but the buggy needs a mounted MG. :smiley:

(although I guess at that size it may be difficult to discern)[/QUOTE]
Did some monkey’ing on DZ’s masterpiece.

Chinzor up on top of the buggy, Carb-9 for the horse (for Oschino). :slight_smile:

(Oschino1907) #179

[QUOTE=AmishWarMachine;355583]Did some monkey’ing on DZ’s masterpiece.

Chinzor up on top of the buggy, Carb-9 for the horse (for Oschino). :)[/QUOTE]

Of course the horse would run with the Carb 9, they would die if they were on a No Carb(9) Diet…

“Can someone please kill me with something that isnt a Carb 9, or is that the only reason they are killing me?”, LOL now from getting my revenge for a few days I have overused the Carb 9 and must give it a break for a lil while…

That Chinzor Buggy looks sick!!! Makes me wonder why they havnt made an Amish based FPS or atleast Vehicle combat game yet! Hahahaha :smiley:

(Oz70NYC) #180

I can’t wait for when we consolers get the update, and I can effectively swiss cheese those Carb-9 spammers with the mighty Maximus. Roll hard, heavies. Roll hard. :stuck_out_tongue: