Community Game Nights?

(Jess Alon) #421

Someone should modify my sig so I can have Brink Hardcore Club in mine too.

(wolfnemesis75) #422

Digital Zero made the Hardcore Club sig. You could ask him, he’s making some for folk. Takes a snap to do.

(SinDonor) #423

Not gonna be on tonight fellas. There are a couple of billionaire investors walking around the office tonight and I gotta stick around and look pretty. I told my boss it wouldn’t be a problem as long as I got another 20K stock options. DEAL!

(wolfnemesis75) #424

Do you want something simple like this?

(Jess Alon) #425

I like that wolf but could you add the lobster headshot instead of the girl?

(nephandys) #426

Hey Community Game Night 360 folks that I regularly play with. I’m in the process of setting up some separate forums for us. This will keep us away from all the negativity and maybe get some constructive and goofy (moderated with a lighter hand) conversations going between friends. My idea is that this will eventually be our clan forums in the hope that we will be banding together. I know some people are tied to TG and that’s fine if that’s what they want, but I’m more into something more informal.

Resistance is Futile

Check it out and feel free/please provide me with suggestions via e-mail, PM, or Live. I am also open to any assistance or advice as I have yet to manage a forum before. This is just the bare bones, but it will get expanded. Also it can lose the freeforums modifier if we get enough traffic.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!

(wolfnemesis75) #427

[QUOTE=nephandys;356140]Hey Community Game Night 360 folks that I regularly play with. I’m in the process of setting up some separate forums for us. This will keep us away from all the negativity and maybe get some constructive and goofy (moderated with a lighter hand) conversations going between friends. My idea is that this will eventually be our clan forums in the hope that we will be banding together. I know some people are tied to TG and that’s fine if that’s what they want, but I’m more into something more informal.

Resistance is Futile

Check it out and feel free/please provide me with suggestions via e-mail, PM, or Live. This is just the bare bones, but it will get expanded. Also it can lose the freeforums modifier if we get enough traffic.


Thats a shame and sad that you have to go to such lengths to escape the negativity, but I do understand how you feel. I will sign up as soon as I can!

(SinDonor) #428

[QUOTE=nephandys;356140]Hey Community Game Night 360 folks that I regularly play with. I’m in the process of setting up some separate forums for us. This will keep us away from all the negativity and maybe get some constructive and goofy (moderated with a lighter hand) conversations going between friends. My idea is that this will eventually be our clan forums in the hope that we will be banding together. I know some people are tied to TG and that’s fine if that’s what they want, but I’m more into something more informal.

Resistance is Futile

Check it out and feel free/please provide me with suggestions via e-mail, PM, or Live. I am also open to any assistance or advice as I have yet to manage a forum before. This is just the bare bones, but it will get expanded. Also it can lose the freeforums modifier if we get enough traffic.

Let me know what you think. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Done n done.

(nephandys) #429

I don’t want to replace these forums by any means and will still be visiting them daily. So escaping the negativity is really just a small piece. The bigger point is the consolidation of my friends/360 players in one place where we can organize and stuff. As I said my goal, and I think yours too, is that we clan together at some point in the future and I think this can serve as the foundation for this process. Like deciding on names, structure, play times, etc. While clans definitely need a leader(s) I think the formation, design, and selection of leaders should be a democratic process. We’d also be able to do this without random interference as the moderation is in our court.

Also, we’re free to post what we want - be goofy, vulgar, w/e as again “we are the moderators…” Suck it Queen that could’ve been a hit.

I’ve started off the clan discussion in said forums.

(wolfnemesis75) #430

[QUOTE=nephandys;356148]I don’t want to replace these forums by any means and will still be visiting them daily. So escaping the negativity is really just a small piece. The bigger point is the consolidation of my friends/360 players in one place where we can organize and stuff. As I said my goal, and I think yours too, is that we clan together at some point in the future and I think this can serve as the foundation for this process. Like deciding on names, structure, play times, etc. While clans definitely need a leader(s) I think the formation, design, and selection of leaders should be a democratic process. We’d also be able to do this without random interference as the moderation is in our court.

Also, we’re free to post what we want - be goofy, vulgar, w/e as again “we are the moderators…” Suck it Queen that could’ve been a hit.

I’ve started off the clan discussion in said forums.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Makes sense. Glad to sign up. This is the start of something great …:smiley:
When the clan support drops, we’ll be all set, and I don’t have to go looking for a Clan and go through hoops. :cool:

(wolfnemesis75) #431

[QUOTE=nephandys;356148]I don’t want to replace these forums by any means and will still be visiting them daily. So escaping the negativity is really just a small piece. The bigger point is the consolidation of my friends/360 players in one place where we can organize and stuff. As I said my goal, and I think yours too, is that we clan together at some point in the future and I think this can serve as the foundation for this process. Like deciding on names, structure, play times, etc. While clans definitely need a leader(s) I think the formation, design, and selection of leaders should be a democratic process. We’d also be able to do this without random interference as the moderation is in our court.

Also, we’re free to post what we want - be goofy, vulgar, w/e as again “we are the moderators…” Suck it Queen that could’ve been a hit.

I’ve started off the clan discussion in said forums.[/QUOTE]

Can I add the link to resistanceisfutile below my sig?

(nephandys) #432

I made a bunch of changes to the site to allow space for PC and PS3 users. I also moved our clan specific discussion to a subforum people should need special access for (everyone already registered has this access). Please give me any feedback now before I start having people put it in sigs and post something larger here on the SD forums.

Also I am going to need some moderators so if you’re interested let me know. See the thread in the feedback area for a discussion about forum rules/moderation.

(nephandys) #433

I’m shooting to be able to do that Friday once I am sure all the kinks are worked out.

(wolfnemesis75) #434

alright, that makes sense!

(Jess Alon) #435

I need something to auto send people on the opposite team of me messages before the match begins.

Message will read as following: We are going to poop on the very fabric of your soul. Enjoy your stay here on the ARK.

(nephandys) #436

[QUOTE=Jess Alon;356503]I need something to auto send people on the opposite team of me messages before the match begins.

Message will read as following: We are going to poop on the very fabric of your soul. Enjoy your stay here on the ARK.[/QUOTE]

lol nice :smiley:

(nephandys) #437

Anyone else that is a frequent lurker in or contributer to this thread please feel free to drop by the site I’m getting together and provide any feedback. Plan to make a larger announcement tomorrow. Things have changed a lot even since yesterday.

Resistance is Futile

Any help, suggestions, or feedback you provide would be greatly appreciated.

(Sleazebaggins) #438

I’d love to play with some of you guys from the forums.

Gamertag: Sleazebaggins

I’m playing Brink a few nights a week, still learning a lot.

(wolfnemesis75) #439

[QUOTE=Sleazebaggins;356944]I’d love to play with some of you guys from the forums.

Gamertag: Sleazebaggins

I’m playing Brink a few nights a week, still learning a lot.[/QUOTE]

what plat? xbox?

(Sleazebaggins) #440

Yep, xbox. I’m usually on after 10:30 PM Pacific, which I realize is later than most people play, but if there are any other nightowls out there, I’m up for games.