Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Editing Make the game your own with a little help from these guys. Competitive Looking for a team or want a scrim? Jump in! General Chat The central hub of ET:QW. Welcome back.
About the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars category [Enemy Territory: Quake Wars] (1)
Setting record straight [General Chat] (13)
Old quake wars vids!!!!!!!!!! ( 2 3 4 ) [General Chat] (66)
Thanks guys, excuse me please [General Chat] (7)
Master server still down [General Chat] (7)
Dedicated internet server for ETQW-server in 2021 [General Chat] (7)
ETQW Canceled login / Connection reset issue ( 2 3 4 5 ) [General Chat] (88)
Problem with master servers now? [General Chat] (4)
ETQW.org community updates (come join us and play!) [General Chat] (11)
Kickstarter to fix the netcode? [General Chat] (10)
Experienced Mod Team looking to move to ET:QW - need info ( 2 ) [General Chat] (23)
Seemingly minor inverse kinematics issues [Editing] (8)
Custom Map: Lighthouse [Editing] (7)
Custom maps server connection issue [General Chat] (3)
State of the Ennemy Territory: Quake Wars on Xbox 360 [General Chat] (1)
Rifle firing sounds are stuttering in in full auto? [General Chat] (1)
How do I get quake wars full game? [General Chat] (4)
Wolf: MP ( 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ) [Editing] (400)
Need help to log [General Chat] (2)
Wiki.splashdamage.com No Browsers want to open unsecure [General Chat] (2)
Can somebody tell the world how to INCREASE bots on maximum ???? ( 2 ) [General Chat] (24)
Does anyone still have etqw map pack? [General Chat] (3)
[Question] Quake Wars Compatibility With Windows 7? ( 2 ) [General Chat] (24)
Etqw [General Chat] (3)
[HELP] Unknow error while trying to create/recover online account [General Chat] (7)
Forgot password id remembers from box copy on steam [Competitive] (2)
Community Weekend and The Homecoming Tournament [General Chat] (11)
Former digital releases [General Chat] (6)
R_usethreadedrenderer 2 does cause stuttering with Linux [General Chat] (7)
Need normal config for best perfomance on low PC [General Chat] (13)