
I can't play this game and it makes me sad. ( 2 ) [General Chat] (27)
brink PC purchase [General Chat] (8)
Hardcore Game mode [General Chat] (8)
360 Lobby Workaround ( 2 ) [General Chat] (38)
Weapon tutorial guides ( 2 3 4 5 6 ) [General Chat] (110)
Rebel Character Customization Freeze?? [General Chat] (2)
attn: SD [General Chat] (9)
9.99 on Steam (Autumn Sale) [General Chat] (7)
Mid-Match Connection Status Going from Green to Red Suddenly [General Chat] (1)
Active ps3 players PLZ REPLY [General Chat] (7)
weird time out [General Chat] (4)
New Brink Updates Released for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC ( 2 3 4 ) [General Chat] (74)
New update questions [General Chat] (8)
Help ps3 users [General Chat] (3)
This game has major memory issues [General Chat] (6)
Minimap glitch [General Chat] (3)
So I'm wondering how many Ps3 users are still playing brink? [General Chat] (4)
Speculation that next SD project is a Marvel Comics game. (Avengers) [General Chat] (17)
Light body type with heavy weapons?? [General Chat] (7)
Are netvar tweaks still possible? Weapon damage and bodytype tweaks? [General Chat] (1)
Thoughts On the Weapon Tweaks From a Competitive PC Standpoint? [Competitive] (4)
Changing view in demo playback? [General Chat] (5)
Constructive for dazman [General Chat] (6)
An idea for making the classes more distinct. [General Chat] (15)
this game is just evidence that opengl sucks [General Chat] (11)
Cheaper Than a Pack of Cigarettes [General Chat] (2)
Gamefly Has Spoken [General Chat] (11)
Heads up: Next update for Brink ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ) [General Chat] (182)
New Windows Dedicated Server (15 November 2011) [General Chat] (1)
So you think Brink's dead on consoles, eh? ( 2 3 4 ) [General Chat] (78)