Speculation that next SD project is a Marvel Comics game. (Avengers)

(tangoliber) #1


(DarkangelUK) #2

Ninjad already http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/31376-New-SD-Game-Based-On-Marvel-(possibly)

(tangoliber) #3

Cool. Feel free to delete this topic, badman.

(coolstory) #4

Nah dont delete, for people like me who never check anything else other than the brink forums :slight_smile:

Good news, hopefully SD makes an awesome game

(wolfnemesis75) #5

Very interesting.
Edit: this story has been denied by Paul W.

(DarkangelUK) #6

Paul Wedgewood: “We’re not working with Disney. We’re not building a pop culture IP. We’re only using BRINK tech for BRINK updates atm”

(wolfnemesis75) #7

[QUOTE=DarkangelUK;385558]Paul Wedgewood: “We’re not working with Disney. We’re not building a pop culture IP. We’re only using BRINK tech for BRINK updates atm”[/QUOTE]He also wrote on Twitter something like, why do I have to respond to stories that aren’t true? Or something like, where do these stories come from? Man, I know you don’t care, but I’d rather see another Brink than any Marvel Games. Either way, it could still be cool if something about it is true, which I doubt.

(tokamak) #8

Another Brink or another Marvel game. Now that’s a tough choice.

(tangoliber) #9

I’d like to just have a new IP in the same Splash Damage format.

Personally, I would support a free to play game because 1) large community, and 2) you start with a simple but solid base and constantly update it over the course of years.
My idea would be to give the basic classes with the most important abilities for free. For example, everyone gets the basic Medic, Soldier, Engineer and Operative. Each with a unique weapon, secondary, and a couple of abilities. Then you sell alternative versions of those classes, which have different skins, unique weapons, and their own abilities.
The key would be to not allow any weapon or ability on the purchased loadouts to be considered OP such as the carb-9 is. Abilities like the UAV or Speed buff are abilities that would work with a paid class, since they are not considered necessary, but may provide variety to players who want to mix it up.

(INF3RN0) #10

I hear SD is working on ET3! A game where even pubs retain a highly complex competitive value and only the uber nerds thrive!

*Checks twitter for denial of statement

(tangoliber) #11

I’d like a new IP in the same Enemy Territory format.

My requests are:

  • Accurate hipfire (no sights if possible), low damage, high player health
  • Make stopwatch the main mode…and make the maps offensively biased so that it is merely a race.
  • Instead of trying to use cinematics to put the maps together in a campaign, design it so that each map directly links to the next one. That way it feels like a journey. I like how you can see Container City behind you at the start of Security Tower. Make that more pronounced by having the player actually start where they finished the last map. (You complete one map by going through a gate. On the next map you start on the other side of the gate.) It would be tricky to make this go both ways for both factions…but you can basically have a separate campaign for each with 4 maps. When you play defense, you are not playing as part of a campaign… You are just playing a “Defense” mission. Kind of like having both campaign and horde mode options in a game.
  • No unlocking
  • No customizing class loadouts (weapons or abilities or bodytype.) Balance is much more interesting this way because you can pair a strong ability with a weak weapon (engineer with shotgun and pistol), or vice versa. For variety you can offer alternate classes…such as Basic Medic, Poison Medic, Heavy Medic…etc. Each could offer a different weapon/ability/bodytype setup.
  • Don’t be too ambitious graphically.
  • Maintain the “no one hit kill” ideal (even if it is unavoidable at times), and keep KDR stats out of the game like in Brink.
  • Provide voice commands like in Tribes. For example, type VSDO and your guy will say “I will defend the objective.” (Voice Self Defend Objective) Or, VGDO “Defend the objective” (Voice General Defend Objective.) Or, VGCG. “Good game.” (Voice General Compliment Good game). VRA “I need ammo” (Voice Request Ammo). This system works really well, is very flexible, and is easy to learn over time.
  • More rule customization on servers.

(jazevec) #12

At least it won’t be a Wolfenstein sequel. People would hate that.

(wolfnemesis75) #13

Well we know one thing: Its an Ultra Secret Project to be revealed at a later date…sometime in the future.

(tokamak) #14

Another brilliant platitude.

(gooey79) #15

Lol. I’d +Rep you but computer says ‘No’.

“You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tokamak again.”

(Codine) #16

"We’re only using BRINK tech for BRINK updates atm.”

So where are the actual updates? Value changes on gun spread and clan support don’t add anything viable to this game at this point.

(Fetter) #17

[QUOTE=Codine;385722]"We’re only using BRINK tech for BRINK updates atm.”

So where are the actual updates? Value changes on gun spread and clan support don’t add anything viable to this game at this point.[/QUOTE]

Quoted for truth.