Heads up: Next update for Brink

(badman) #1

Just a quick note to let you all know that the next Brink update (and with it the clan features and the PC weapon tweaks) is in the final stages of testing/certification/etc. Because the update’s very far-reaching and introduces a host of new web-based features, the testing phase has been a complex beast.

Should have more information in the coming days.

Almost there!


(tokamak) #2

I know it’s not up to SD but it would make sense to throw a free weekend alongside it.

(Dormamu) #3

Good news!
Almost there!
Weapon tweaks only for PC? …Someone is gonna get hurt… real bad! :smiley:

(badman) #4

We’ll definitely suggest it. :slight_smile:

(Kratos) #5

Great News

Looking forward to seeing some full servers again.

(tokamak) #6

Or even populated servers.

(Slade05) #7

Yeah, at least two.

(Krooks44) #8

[QUOTE=badman;383510]Just a quick note to let you all know that the next Brink update (and with it the clan features and the PC weapon tweaks) is in the final stages of testing/certification/etc. Because the update’s very far-reaching and introduces a host of new web-based features, the testing phase has been a complex beast.

Should have more information in the coming days.

Almost there!


This is not really related but since there is new content in the works, it would be nice if I could check my stats on the ps3 stats site. I cannot log in nor reset my password. PLEASE HELP ME…

(tangoliber) #9

I’m looking forward to it. This is one of the few games that I have an itch to play daily… The teamwork is so much fun…and I was thinking the other day about how great the game would be with more accurate guns.

(thesuzukimethod) #10

man, i’ve been itching for this one too. I decided i was gonna take a break till the patch…ended up being a bit longer of a break than I anticipated :slight_smile: but looking forward to it nonetheless. may have to drag a few buddies out of BF3 kicking and screaming, but it’s good for them - good to stretch your legs and smart around after lying prone for so long…haha

(Shinigami) #11

damn ive been checking the forum religiously for news on this update. Badman, since we are so close to getting the update, think you can start telling us in detail what to expect in the update? What weapons are getting what tweaks and what exactly does the clan support entails? I for one keep hearing about browsers and web friendly things, but how exactly will this update (clan support) improve on the in-game experience, because that is all that matters.


Are the weapon tweakes for PC only?!!??! WTF!!!

(yuval152) #12

[QUOTE=badman;383510]Just a quick note to let you all know that the next Brink update (and with it the clan features and the PC weapon tweaks) is in the final stages of testing/certification/etc. Because the update’s very far-reaching and introduces a host of new web-based features, the testing phase has been a complex beast.

Should have more information in the coming days.

Almost there!


For PC only?

if so then:

(morguen87) #13

I’m curious as to why the weapon tweaks are for pc only as well.

Is it because of guys like wolf nemesis and his club, who blindly defend the game every chance they get, seemed to represent the console community? (because he/they don’t - people like accurate guns. just look at other shooters on consoles, the popular ones don’t have crazy spread)

Or was it just harder to implement on consoles for whatever reason?

Regardless, it’s a shame to hear. The other part of the update means nothing to me if the shooting mechanic in a first person shooter is still broken. Maybe I was foolish to think suggestions in the Weapon Balancing Feedback forum, you know the one with tags for each platform and the forum where you said you wanted feedback from all platforms, might actually be considered for the other platforms.

(thesuzukimethod) #14

I’m gonna optimistically assume that weapons balancing will apply to all platforms, and that the PC weapons tweaks refers to the PC specific tweaks that they’ve discussed (i.e. that go above and beyond the general weapons balancing).

I know the logic of having platform specific tweaks has been debated in detail in the wep feedback thread, so not going to revisit that here.

(Sanch3z) #15

looking forward to an update and possible free weekend. I hope SMART gets some tweaks to make it more fluid. Ledge grabbing and climbing is cool but overall player movement feels clunky and not very “parkour”. I think the Unreal Tournament games with their dodge, wall dodge, dodge jump, etc achieved “parkour” more than Brink.

Besides the free weekend I think its time to drop the price to $20-$25 US, maybe less…

(mclarenpingu) #16

Thank you Splash Damage, please make the weapon as accuracy as possible, PC player especially old school FPSer like accuracy weapon, the shotgun should accuracy too, reduce shotgun spread.

still love Brink

(Om3ga) #17

So it’s avaible only for PC, or?

(Shinigami) #18

Last i saw gamefly was selling it for $10 (used) >:( And i spent $60 on this game

(TruGamer97) #19

Whats this people complaining about how the pc players are only getting the weapon tweaks wtf grow up the pc players need it more then we do.

(badman) #20

Just to double check, all of the passwords on the site were reset after a security breach a few months ago - you should have received an email with instructions. If you didn’t or if your problem occurred after this, please email brinkstats@bethsoft.com with as much detail as possible.

We are are going to have more information soon - stay tuned!

The game update that includes clan support will be available for all platforms. The PC version is getting a a few weapon tweaks based on the feedback we’ve been getting from all of you (these tweaks wouldn’t work for the console versions and so are PC-specific). We’ll keep checking the weapon balancing forum for your thoughts in this area.