One criticism of Brink that I have to agree with is that the 4 classes play remarkably similar. While I like being able to use my favorite kit with any class, I think the classes should have more differentiate them than buffs/class abilities.
My solution? Passive abilitiies for each class.
I don’t know if there’s any plans to update Brink after the upcoming patch, but these should fairly easy to implement.
Soldier: 1 extra health pip. It’s already a strong class, but should be suited to hang and bang.
Medic: Kevlar, stackable with the engineer buff. It’s smart to target medics first. as such they should get a little more protection (honestly I’d recommend a speed boost if it didn’t break SMART).
Engineer: Immunity to traps (caltrops, mines, napalm), able to disintegrate caltrops with a nade. Gives the engy something more to do on offense.
Operative: Increased melee damage, immune to flashbangs, share supplies as default buff. Operative needs the most help to be worth playing, and I think those work towards accentuating the role of recon/infiltrator
ideas for size:
Light: already the most common choice. doesn’t really need a buff
Medium: Marginal health increase. (if your gonna take more bullets than a light, should be able to take more bullets than a light)
Heavy: Large health increase, can only be knocked down by melee. (considering how long it takes them to get into the action, they should be a significant force once they reach the action)
Also, for the love of all that is good in the world, can you make stealth shoes/silencers work on bots? I’m OK with the lack of a true SP, but my character build should be equally viable on or offline if that’s what you’re going to do.