An idea for making the classes more distinct.

(ArchdemonXIII) #1

One criticism of Brink that I have to agree with is that the 4 classes play remarkably similar. While I like being able to use my favorite kit with any class, I think the classes should have more differentiate them than buffs/class abilities.

My solution? Passive abilitiies for each class.

I don’t know if there’s any plans to update Brink after the upcoming patch, but these should fairly easy to implement.

Soldier: 1 extra health pip. It’s already a strong class, but should be suited to hang and bang.

Medic: Kevlar, stackable with the engineer buff. It’s smart to target medics first. as such they should get a little more protection (honestly I’d recommend a speed boost if it didn’t break SMART).

Engineer: Immunity to traps (caltrops, mines, napalm), able to disintegrate caltrops with a nade. Gives the engy something more to do on offense.

Operative: Increased melee damage, immune to flashbangs, share supplies as default buff. Operative needs the most help to be worth playing, and I think those work towards accentuating the role of recon/infiltrator

ideas for size:

Light: already the most common choice. doesn’t really need a buff

Medium: Marginal health increase. (if your gonna take more bullets than a light, should be able to take more bullets than a light)

Heavy: Large health increase, can only be knocked down by melee. (considering how long it takes them to get into the action, they should be a significant force once they reach the action)

Also, for the love of all that is good in the world, can you make stealth shoes/silencers work on bots? I’m OK with the lack of a true SP, but my character build should be equally viable on or offline if that’s what you’re going to do.

(wolfnemesis75) #2

Some interesting ideas. Yeah, the bots know your coming when you have a silencer or stealth. They are in-human in that way.

(ArchdemonXIII) #3


Actually another thing I’d like to see is insta-gib headshots. Not one hit kills, just if your final shot is to the dome, they don’t get to downed fire, medics can’t self-revive, and operatives don’t get to go all splodey

(wolfnemesis75) #4

Don’t get me started about downed fire. I am not a fan.

(ArchdemonXIII) #5

I’m not opposed to the idea as a whole, it just needs some sort of counter.

(wolfnemesis75) #6

[QUOTE=ArchdemonXIII;385162]I’m not opposed to the idea as a whole, it just needs some sort of counter.[/QUOTE]It just needs some tweaking. It is a good perk, and many like it. Just sometimes overly difficult to finish off someone who has it.

(zenstar) #7

I like the idea of slightly more distinction between classes. I’d even be happy if your secondary weapon was a class weapon.
And I agree on the Op being the weakest class. He’s so much fun to play, but he really gets the least love of all.

I don’t have too much of an issue with downed fire, but a slower firing rate or massive “shake” while aiming (you’re bleeding out) would make it more fair.

(Fetter) #8

Personally I like the fact that the classes are so similar. It works well with the on-the-fly class switching at Command Posts. I often use 2-3 classes in a single life.

(Metal-Geo) #9

The Operative definitely needs something. What about the ability to disguise without having to molest a killed enemy? Or giving teammates and ‘item’ for silent footsteps? I’m just making crap up as I type this.

The micro UAV was fun and all but ehhh… No.

(wolfnemesis75) #10

I’d add some kind of Dual-Class element or ways to purchase abilities outside a class that become active, but require a higher amount of points to obtain. Also, it’d be neat to add tiers to each ability so that you could invest more points into a particular skill.

(ArchdemonXIII) #11

I do too but they’re a little too similar for my taste. That’s why I was proposing things that aren’t too drastic a change, but actually feels like our choice of class matters outside of which objective to take/what buff you give

(Stormchild) #12

The problem of Downed fire is that it is available to everyclass/body type.

And it is so effective that everybody takes it almost. I hate this with a passion. Assign this to a class or a body type only (heavy ? they need love).

Otherwise, while I would say it’s a nice idea to differentiate the classes more, I think it goes against the very early design choice of the game.

I think it was made in the idea of : smaller amount of players = less specialized. All class have access to same guns etc, so that actually everybody is at the very least a fighter, but then has a little twist in his role.

(Fetter) #13

Downed Fire makes you worse. It’s better for pub play/clowning around, when it’s unlikely that someone will be competent enough to revive you, but if playing with/against teams with even a modicum of coordination and team balance you’ll be gibbed almost immediately with Downed Fire, while without it it takes a much more substantial effort to put you down for good. If you died to Downed Fire, you probably deserved it.

(iezza) #14

Operative buff idea:

triples size of radar, shows enemies motion on radar PERIODICALLY


(ArchdemonXIII) #15

[QUOTE=iezza;385403]Operative buff idea:

triples size of radar, shows enemies motion on radar PERIODICALLY


Done as in done with the post, or you think that alone would make the Operative more playable?