So you think Brink's dead on consoles, eh?

(.Chris.) #41

Anyone else see this when reading that?

(Oz70NYC) #42

[QUOTE=zenstar;384742]Technically this is a thread started to say that Brink isn’t dead.

And the rest of the thread is just people chewing the cud because there’s nothing else going on. And because the OP is logically unable to draw any conclusion from the supplied evidence (either for or against his argument).

But at this point people talking about something is better than completely dead forums.[/QUOTE]

The OP is logically not responding to this thread because there’s no point arguing for or against on account that vast majority of the members here are trolls, idiots and elitists. So he’d rather spend his time doing more constructive things then entertain the folks here with such pathetic lives that they need to poke, prod and be a$$holes to shoot down his original post. Have fun with this one, should get another 3 pages of you all making yourselves look like blithering buffoons some more. If I mod happens along, do feel free to lock this thread, eh? I’m done entertaining the trolls.

(.Chris.) #43

BHC never ceases to amaze, I could use them same terms to describe the original post.

You’re the one who felt it necessary to tell the world Brink isn’t dead by coming up with a ludicrous claim thinking that total match figures are indicative of the current player population, by that same token your life must be equally pathetic.

You also may have forgot that you posted this claim on a discussion forum, you know, where people discuss things, the claim was shot down as it was misleading and false and surprise surprise you and other BHC members threw a hissy fit and proclaimed yet again that people who disagree with you are automatically trolls.

Yeah might as well lock the thread, think you’ve embarrassed yourself enough.

(DarkangelUK) #44

BHC: “Rah rah over embellished post with claims I don’t understand rah rah”
Normal Persons: “Explanation of why that isn’t accurate”
Normal Persons: facepalm

Seems to be the general rule.

(Fetter) #45

It’s funny that the Brink Hardcore Club is so hated when even the developers say that they understand BRINK much better than the average player. If anything, I think there’s another BHC at work here on the SD forums-- the Brink Haters’ Club. It’s mind-boggling to me how many people who don’t play BRINK, don’t understand BRINK, and don’t like BRINK post on the official BRINK forums.

(SockDog) #46

At it’s heart this is the Splash Damage forums and Brink is a Splash Damage game. Many of the people posting were on these forums long before Brink was even announced, they played Splash Damage games for years, they have a much wider experience base and perspective to draw upon.

To allow the rather blinkered and frankly “odd” BHC members to derp the herp unchecked would be tantamount to letting the trolls run rampant over the forum. This topic being a perfect example of, at best, piss poor substantiation of the subject and, at worst, a pretty weak trolling by someone who’s meant to be fan of the game and presumably SD and their forums.

If the petty bickering insults anyone it’s SD. One by having a clearly clueless, void of a fanbase in Brink (compare the enthusiasm for ETQW to Brink) and Two by having the other members twitch and debunk all of the derp-le-herp for fear SD would listen to it in seriousness (of course SD has given the BHC a pat on the head for it’s “positive” approach to Brink so who knows, more of the same?)

(Humate) #47

The Brink Hardcore Club or whatever you want to call them, are playing a game that was designed specifically for them.
SD “streamlined” the absolute crap out of the ET model. If they didnt understand the game, that would be mind-boggling.

(INF3RN0) #48

BHC understand the game better than the average player? What’s that supposed to mean lmao. I am pretty sure that BHC just like the game without reasoning, as I have yet to ever hear a well-constructed logical thought out of any of em. I am pretty sure that Brink is best understood by those who actually accomplished something in the game, and guess what… they are Brink haters trolololol. The only thing BHC understands is how to get all the xbox achievements and pretend they can overrule debug tested game mechanics with their “personal experience” vs bots. I rest my case…

(.Chris.) #49


The problem with BHC is that certain vocal members, namely Wolf, have never once been able to back up any statement they make and seem intent on derailing any thread that dares to give constructive feedback on game mechanics that haven’t quite worked or threads that try to discuss certain general issues found in Brink. The PC skill thread and the level design thread were prime examples of this, the former equally so as many of BHC play on consoles…

Many people here get Brink, they have played it and understand it, still doesn’t mean we have to like it though. Many of us are interested in what SD does with Brink to remedy the game, it be too easy to just abandon and move on, it’s encouraging that they still trying to fix the game they will learn a lot from this process. Be equally interesting to see what they do with their next title, none of us want to see a repeat of Brink, we stick around because we’ve been here many years, sockdog summed it up pretty nicely so wont repeat his points.

The PC player stats speak of themselves, Brink hasn’t delivered and the players have all but gone as a result. The consoles may have more players currently, we don’t know, but as they had a larger initial player base I wouldn’t be surprised if the current player count is of a similar proportional loss of that of the PC, however we’ll never know.

(wolfnemesis75) #50

[QUOTE=.Chris.;384960]Blah Blah Blah, I play on PC and Wolf doesn’t and never played Brink with him or anyone else in BHC.[/QUOTE]I have played with many of the people in BHC, and they are all really cool people and we had tons of fun playing Brink. And the ones I did not play the game with, were also really cool people on this forum. So, please don’t hate on people who like the game. Lots of people play games on console and that’s at the heart of the matter since some here don’t. To a man, most of the bashing on either specific members or the game tends to be predominantly PC players. I am very sorry you did not have a similar experience with Brink, but I played with tons of people who really liked the game. Please keep this in mind when commenting, then you won’t come off as a walking contradiction.

(wolfnemesis75) #51


The problem with BHC is that certain vocal members, namely Wolf, have never once been able to back up any statement they make and seem intent on derailing any thread that dares to give constructive feedback on game mechanics that haven’t quite worked or threads that try to discuss certain general issues found in Brink. [/QUOTE]

Using the word Never invalidates your argument and makes this statement false. I have offered plenty of critisicm, you just choose not to note it. Also, because I like the game, some of what I say generally you may not agree with since you did not enjoy the game as much necessarily. This is a normal idea.

In my estimation, Brink came out on 3 platforms, not 1. So, why can’t everyone talk about level design? You don’t think people discuss level design on console forums for other multiplayer games? Only PC players are allowed to do that? I think not.

I agree. Also, it definitely makes it even more interesting when you had fun with the game to begin with. Keeps the interest. I definitely think fresh faces have picked up Brink and are having fun with it. Yes, people are picking up Brink and giving it a go.

See that’s some of the problem: Some of us DO want to see a repeat of Brink, just with some refinement. Here’s a novel idea: Some liked the game. For me, the game worked as advertised.

Ding Ding. Nothing new for PC games (not named World of Warcraft) compared to Console games as far as wider audience in 2011.

20/1 Copies of Brink were sold on Console compared to PC. THAT player stats speak of themselves, right?

Yeah, but we do know especially since a few sentences ago you said that more copies of Brink were purchased on console and that the player count has a similar proportional loss. If so, it still means many more people play the game on console right?

That’s some of your problem here. Every game has proportional loss that is not named COD. Some of what you claim sounds like frustration stemming from the lack of player base and people to play with on PC.

As a general rule in 2011, many more people play games like Brink, COD, Battlefield on Console. Go where the people are has always been my rule if you want people to play the game with. And you will have a better chance of having fun.

*News flash: PC gaming is one of many platforms that games are played on! The Industry has changed a lot since the Next Gen console gaming to hold of mainstream culture. Just the way it is.

(.Chris.) #52

Another quality reply, I kid. Did you even read the post you’re responding to? Based on the modified quotation I’ll assume you read what you wanted to see rather than what was typed. (again)

No one here hates anyone for simply liking Brink, I don’t know where this comes from, some folk around here just don’t like obnoxious people such as yourself, the fact you like Brink doesn’t even come into it, you could be a hater and you’d get the same response.

You’re confusing bashing with holding negative opinion again.

Do you know what the difference between comments like “Brink sucks” and “Brink rules”? Nothing, they are both as useless as the other without backing them up in the context of a discussion about this game. Those who don’t like Brink who are still active around these parts can fully explain why that is so with logic and reason, someone people who like Brink can do the same, good discussions take place and everything is great, then you turn up…

Sorry for been the first person to exaggerate.

Again, reading fail, the PC skill thread was to talk about the PC version which you trolled, I never said you couldn’t respond in the level design thread but it was an example of a nice topic you derailed.

You want Brink to be unpopular?

The PC player stats speak of themselves…
Ding Ding. Nothing new for PC games (not named World of Warcraft) compared to Console games as far as wider audience in 2011.

Where are all those players now? As mentioned by someone else, Brink hasn’t been in top 10 on xboxlive since 2 weeks after release.

Without statistics we are just guessing, hence the uproar against the OP’s claims.

Or frustration for the game not been as could as it should have been.

(wolfnemesis75) #53

[QUOTE=.Chris.;384983]Another quality reply, I kid. Did you even read the post you’re responding to? Based on the modified quotation I’ll assume you read what you wanted to see rather than what was typed. (again)

No one here hates anyone for simply liking Brink, I don’t know where this comes from, some folk around here just don’t like obnoxious people such as yourself, the fact you like Brink doesn’t even come into it, you could be a hater and you’d get the same response.

You’re confusing bashing with holding negative opinion again.

Do you know what the difference between comments like “Brink sucks” and “Brink rules”? Nothing, they are both as useless as the other without backing them up in the context of a discussion about this game. Those who don’t like Brink who are still active around these parts can fully explain why that is so with logic and reason, someone people who like Brink can do the same, good discussions take place and everything is great, then you turn up…[/QUOTE]That would have some semblance of truth if you didn’t mention me specifically in your post, right kid?

(wolfnemesis75) #54

Where are all those players now? As mentioned by someone else, Brink hasn’t been in top 10 on xboxlive since 2 weeks after release.
Without statistics we are just guessing, hence the uproar against the OP’s claims.
[/QUOTE]Not sure you can put much stock in the Xbox Live top 10 list because it is skewed and never changes because its based on an inaccurate calculation. Its like the Neilson Rating system: Its an estimate not an actual. Many more people watch Reality TV than cool shows like Firefly. That don’t mean Firefly is bad. Same with Brink. Those Xbox list reads as some aspect of the following that never changes in the top ten: CODMW3, CODMW2, CODBLOPS, CODWOW, CODMW, HALO Reach, Halo 3, FIFA 11, GTAIV, Gears Of War 3, Battlefield 3, Assassin’s Creed 3, Skyrim Elder Scrolls V… see the pattern here? There are many quality games that don’t show up on the top 20 list, just like Brink. Which from the get-go is trying to be something different and unique. For every movie like Transformer Darkside of the Moon, some movie studio is gonna make a movie that doesn’t gross 1 billion worldwide, but is still a great flick. You know what I mean? That’s how you have to look at Brink. Its not gonna be for everyone. That’s ok.

(ArchdemonXIII) #55

in regards to the actual topic, I agree those numbers indicate nothing.

Then again, someone pointed out that Brink is no longer a top 10 XBL game. That doesn’t mean no one’s playing it, that just means there’s 10 games that more people are playing. It’s an equally useless stat unless you’re busting a claim that it’s the most played game.

on to the old guard vs new players.

I lurked for a week before signing up, reading up old posts. I have to say that a lot of the old SD/PC vets are pretty hostile towards Brink fans. Any time someone praises an aspect of brink, some core player will be there to smack them down and “remind” them that brink sucks. Then they hide behind their “old schoolness” to basically be elitist and act they’re the only ones qualified to evaluate the game.

The benchmark of growth for a company is new customers.

On one hand you have new players who like the product and want to see it revived. They encourage new players.

On the other hand you have the stalwarts who only support the company when it makes the games they like that appeal to a smaller group and actively try to drive away new players.

Who do you think they’re going to listen to? The core players are making a better argument for Brink 2 than the BHC are.

If you want more core-focused games, you should want Brink to succeed so that SD has the capital to invest in passion projects with more hardcore appeal. Back in the day, most PC gamers were hardcore. That’s why games targeted them; they were the majority. These days PCs are more ubiquitous and therefore casuals are the majority. It’s not selling out, it’s good business sense, especially at a time when the economy is so poor that making an “amazing game” that caters to a small crowd could bankrupt your company.

The simple fact is that if you want more hardcore games, you need to subsidize them with more mainstream fare. Look at Hollywood. In the shadow of the current economy, they didn’t stop making blockbusters, they stopped funding indie/art movies.

What would make more sense is to say that you didn’t care for the game, make polite suggestions on how to make it appeal to you and not try to drive away paying customers.

(coolstory) #56

While u idiots are

SD is

K bye

(Ruben0s) #57


then char

(wolfnemesis75) #58

[QUOTE=ArchdemonXIII;385001]in regards to the actual topic, I agree those numbers indicate nothing.

Then again, someone pointed out that Brink is no longer a top 10 XBL game. That doesn’t mean no one’s playing it, that just means there’s 10 games that more people are playing. It’s an equally useless stat unless you’re busting a claim that it’s the most played game.

on to the old guard vs new players.

I lurked for a week before signing up, reading up old posts. I have to say that a lot of the old SD/PC vets are pretty hostile towards Brink fans. Any time someone praises an aspect of brink, some core player will be there to smack them down and “remind” them that brink sucks. Then they hide behind their “old schoolness” to basically be elitist and act they’re the only ones qualified to evaluate the game.

The benchmark of growth for a company is new customers.

On one hand you have new players who like the product and want to see it revived. They encourage new players.

On the other hand you have the stalwarts who only support the company when it makes the games they like that appeal to a smaller group and actively try to drive away new players.

Who do you think they’re going to listen to? The core players are making a better argument for Brink 2 than the BHC are.

If you want more core-focused games, you should want Brink to succeed so that SD has the capital to invest in passion projects with more hardcore appeal. Back in the day, most PC gamers were hardcore. That’s why games targeted them; they were the majority. These days PCs are more ubiquitous and therefore casuals are the majority. It’s not selling out, it’s good business sense, especially at a time when the economy is so poor that making an “amazing game” that caters to a small crowd could bankrupt your company.

The simple fact is that if you want more hardcore games, you need to subsidize them with more mainstream fare. Look at Hollywood. In the shadow of the current economy, they didn’t stop making blockbusters, they stopped funding indie/art movies.

What would make more sense is to say that you didn’t care for the game, make polite suggestions on how to make it appeal to you and not try to drive away paying customers.[/QUOTE]Amen brother. Said it perfectly.

(.Chris.) #59

[QUOTE=ArchdemonXIII;385001]The benchmark of growth for a company is new customers.

On one hand you have new players who like the product and want to see it revived. They encourage new players.

On the other hand you have the stalwarts who only support the company when it makes the games they like that appeal to a smaller group and actively try to drive away new players.[/QUOTE]

Just picking these bits out as rest was fine.

They managed to get new customers which was great, however where are those costumers now? Brink was plagued with problems on release, how the sound and UI bugs got into the release candidate I’ll never know. Bugs aside the actual game just didn’t do it for the market they were trying to crack, the game is too involved for the average joe who just wants to shoot his mates’ face in, they suspected as much when they designed Brink and tried to make it as accessible as possible. This resulted in a game that was neither here or there, sure some liked it and got a lot out of, but people on both sides of the coin were left wondering what could have been.

I think you’re bit quick to assume that the old timers here will only support SD if they make a game to suit them. Some started out in RTCW, then SD released W:ET, on the surface it would appear nothing much was changed but SD’s take on the MP was quite different, they introduced XP, campaign modes, unlockables, more weapons and classes, it certainly ruffled a few feathers, not everyone liked these changes but the game was a ‘hit’, not commercially though as it was released for free but that’s for another topic.

Few more years down the line ET:QW was released, this game introduced, drivable vehicles, deployables, aliens and huge maps, again not everyone liked these changes but some bought it because it was SD, the guys who gave us W:ET. It sold reasonably well and gained quite a following, nothing compared to W:ET though, however some W:ET players made the switch and some new players came from other backgrounds.

This year Brink was released, this game introduced SMART, dressing up options, weapon customisation, small maps and a new art style, again not everyone liked these changes but some bought it because it was SD, the guys who gave us W:ET and ET:QW. Also many console players who haven’t played an SD game bought it also, It sold reasonably well and we are where we are today, looking to see what SD do next.

(zenstar) #60

Wow. That’s a massively aggressive response. Sorry if you don’t understand how statistics work. Sheesh.