[QUOTE=wolfnemesis75;384422]Time to go on a diet then, bro. LMAO.
P.S Brink is not dead if they’re working on a patch.[/QUOTE]
And the Dreamcast isn’t dead if they’re still making games for it.
[QUOTE=wolfnemesis75;384422]Time to go on a diet then, bro. LMAO.
P.S Brink is not dead if they’re working on a patch.[/QUOTE]
And the Dreamcast isn’t dead if they’re still making games for it.
[QUOTE=DarkangelUK;384432]And the Dreamcast isn’t dead if they’re still making games for it.[/QUOTE]Actually, some of the Dreamcast games are making their way to HD versions on Xbox or PS3.
If anyone can bring the herp to the derp it’s Wolf. I don’t think there is any doubt why he finds the off kilter Brink so appealing.
BTW if 1.5 million copies sold and 3 million games played that means each player “blurred the line” and played 2 games online?
That doesn’t negate the point that the Dreamcast is 6-feet under. Some of the software is being “ported,” if you want to call it that.
[QUOTE=Ajax’s Spear;384453]That doesn’t negate the point that the Dreamcast is 6-feet under. Some of the software is being “ported,” if you want to call it that.[/QUOTE]Dreamcast had some great games. It was before its time. Such is the way of things.
Minter is still coding the Atari VCS https://plus.google.com/u/0/107147409638689182397/posts/KJkYL2n4f54 Buy one today!
I don’t think the stats were up and running until a month or 2 after launch, so yeah of course a lot of the hype died fast for this game. Also this new patch won’t even bring that much to the game. Unless they decide to release new weapons/maps this game is still going nowhere. They should have just made an SDK and hand it over to the community. Atleast then this game would still be alive.
Not quite, and this is why the matches played number is pointless for drawing conclusions.
First: I believe only one type of match is recorded here (the same setup that records stats) and can include people wandering around alone checking out a level as well as full 8 v 8 matches. We don’t know how many people were in each match (or what the average for each match was).
I’m not even sure if a match is counted if noone in it is signed up to the stats site (although I think it is still counted) and I don’t think unfinished matches are counted (although, again, we don’t know).
But if we assume 1.5 mil copies and completely full 8v8 matches then 3 million games would mean each person played 32 times. That’s the best option. Worst case scenario: 1 person per match. That would result in 2 games per person.
Basically put: 3 million games is not much.
Just to put things into perspective:
Halo 3 was best selling game in 2007. by march 2009 (so 2 years) it had its BILLIONth game (source) while Halo 2 has had (2004 - 2009 I assume) 798 million games (same source).
798 million over 5 years - 798 million / 60 months = 13.3 million matches per month or 437260games a day. That’s for Halo 2 over 5 years.
And that’s all one platform isn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong there.
So basically Halo 2, in that 5 year period (including time when halo 3 was out) would chew up 3 million games in about 7 days.
Halo 3 would probably have done the same in about 2.5 days.
EDIT: calculation corrections.
EDIT EDIT: more info:
Gear of war 3 did 6 million games in the first week (source)
Halo: Reach did 31 million games in 4 days (source)
These may all be popular IPs but the numbers are far greater over a far shorter timespan and over fewer platforms. (Plus finding match statistics isn’t that easy).
You could also say that the ps3 is like 5 times as active as the PC versions, which means they got a player peak of around 250 people.
Or the xbox 360 version which is 10 times as active, so they got a player peak of around 500 people.
at this moment there are 17 people playing in a server on the pc.
[QUOTE=Ruben0s;384494]at this moment there are 17 people playing in a server on the pc.
Bud they working on patch /derp
at this moment there are 17 people playing in a server on the pc.
and all those 1/8 games are counting as individual matches.
Yeah was gonna say that, everyone playing vs bots also counts as a match, seeing as they ‘blurred the lines’.
That’s not in question.
We’re just pointing out that you can’t draw any conclusions about how active the player base is just by looking at total matches. You need far more data to determine an active / inactive community.
At the very least you need to record the change in total matches agains the change in time and then compare that activity against a game with a known level of activity.
Either way: 3 million games is not a lot but the stats site took forever to come up (even longer for PC) and we’re not 100% sure of what counts towards the total and what doesn’t.
TL;DR: This thread is a bit silly.
[QUOTE=zenstar;384731]That’s not in question.
We’re just pointing out that you can’t draw any conclusions about how active the player base is just by looking at total matches. You need far more data to determine an active / inactive community.
At the very least you need to record the change in total matches agains the change in time and then compare that activity against a game with a known level of activity.
Either way: 3 million games is not a lot but the stats site took forever to come up (even longer for PC) and we’re not 100% sure of what counts towards the total and what doesn’t.
TL;DR: This thread is a bit silly.[/QUOTE]TL;DR the 1 millionth thread about Brink being Dead since the day before it went on sale got old.
Technically this is a thread started to say that Brink isn’t dead.
And the rest of the thread is just people chewing the cud because there’s nothing else going on. And because the OP is logically unable to draw any conclusion from the supplied evidence (either for or against his argument).
But at this point people talking about something is better than completely dead forums.
[QUOTE=zenstar;384742]Technically this is a thread started to say that Brink isn’t dead.
And the rest of the thread is just people chewing the cud because there’s nothing else going on. And because the OP is logically unable to draw any conclusion from the supplied evidence (either for or against his argument).
But at this point people talking about something is better than completely dead forums.[/QUOTE]Very true. I agree.