Are netvar tweaks still possible? Weapon damage and bodytype tweaks?

(tangoliber) #1

EDIT: After playing some 5-6 hours tonight, I think the damage is fine, as are the bodytypes. So nevermind this post.

Is it still possible to do some small updates? Would netvar tweaks be possible?

I’m not asking for anything significant…because I know it isn’t reasonable for SD to work on another big update. Things like fixing the Barnett and Bulpdaun reload glitches (which I don’t really care about) would probably take a lot of work and wouldn’t be appreciated. But it would be nice to get some netvar updates if it wouldn’t take too much work.

After playing with the last weapon update, I feel that damage should be lowered more than 5 percent. 5 percent sounded right on paper, but the game really feels very different to me now.

I also wonder if we might ever tweak the bodytypes? More health for medium and heavies?