Weapon tutorial guides

(iezza) #1

Ok, i am planning a community thing, where a video is posted which explains each weapons breifly. Such as

Rhett: medium ranges assault rifle with strong damage and large kick, shoot in medium bursts.

then there will be a 30 sec gameplay with it.

So i would like PC players to contribute(or console if you have a screen cap)
And i would like someone to do a voiceover, if no one applies in 1 month then i shall do it.

What i would like:

if someone could just do a 30 sec, yes thats all 30 seconds! with a single gun then take a 5 second clip of you selecting the gun and rotating it. 30 seconds can be cut or non edited foortage, up to you.

Whos up for this? this could help increase the popilarity of Brink

Please, this would be great, and then, if succesfull we could do individual weapon guides.

(Crytiqal) #2

My guess is that when people get to see how “bad” the gunplay is, it’s popularity will only dwindle more, if thats possible.

Anyway, here is one for the Carb 9 all ready for show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vmSJqKW68Y

(Fetter) #3

It’s funny, because that’s actually a video of how NOT to use the Carb. Protip: using your sights helps. :wink:

(INF3RN0) #4

No one good ever used sights on the carb… and the sights don’t work like CoD in Brink. And there’s been technical discussions on what the sights actually do. And… but I digress.

(Cynix) #5

No one good ever used sights on the carb

This. I literally unbound my iron sights key in brink. Mouse 2 was my action key.

(Fetter) #6

If they were going for headshots or shooting at people behind cover, they sure did… lol. You have to know when to use your sights and when to spray-- both have their place, almost regardless of weapon.

(iezza) #7

yeah i would prefer just in game gameplay with them not weapon tests. So, you know, its only 30 seconds and Recording software is free

(Crytiqal) #8

ROFL protip xD

No pro uses the ironsight in that situation, or almost in any situation.

+1 what INF3RN0 said

(Apoc) #9

No need to scope unless your trying to snipe someone with it, in which case scoping is slightly more effective. If someones behind cover throw a nade and shoot at apropriate moment.

Also dont do weapon guides for a game thats about to get its weapons patched.

(Fetter) #10

I’m not going to sugarcoat this-- if you never ironsight, you are bad at the game.

(Crytiqal) #11

Orly? 1v1?

I must say I havent played the game since a few months tho but lets see how that goes

(Fetter) #12

1v1 is an incoherent proposition in a game like BRINK, sorry.

(Cynix) #13

I’m not going to sugarcoat this-- if you never ironsight, you are bad at the game.

Yeah I suck at this game, anyone who has ever played against me will back you up… oh wait

(tangoliber) #14

1v1 on Container City, Stopwatch works really well actually. I’ve played a lot of it. Its good for dueling. Its long enough that the better player usually wins, but the results are often close.

Anyway, yea…thankfully there is not much iron sights in Brink. There was even less before the weapon patch made us iron sight with the Gerund and Rhett and FRKN :frowning:
Personally, I’d like to make all guns more effective without iron sights. Since the light rifles are two shot kills, I’d like to be able to get perfect accuracy just by crouching with them…and then maybe make them a 3 shot kill.

(Crytiqal) #15

Why would that be? Since we are only testing out the shots here, it doesn’t matter what game mode it is right?

Even if we DID do objectives on stopwatch, the one better at the game (the one who is NOT using ironsights ofcourse) would win right?

(BioSnark) #16

Funny that the guy handing out pro tips is arguing with the people who closest meet that description in Brink.

(Fetter) #17

Weapon use and positioning in BRINK-- like everything else in the game-- is inherently predicated on teamplay. “Duelling” is unrealistic and doesn’t take important situational teamplay factors into account.

(Crytiqal) #18

But dueling would show what weapon approach would be superior which is what you are arguing <_<

(iezza) #19

Someone plz gimem some vids to stop the arguing…

(Fetter) #20

No it wouldn’t? Your weapon approach is dependent on situational factors too. For instance, if I am defending with a coordinated team covering certain sectors, I can afford to ADS a certain path, since I know people have my back, but if I’m not that kind of approach might be inappropriate. Similarly if I’m shooting it out in an open terrain, my approach will be varied based on who has more support, buff status, etc.