New Brink Updates Released for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC

(tangoliber) #21

[QUOTE=coolstory;385336]So any1 on PC test out the weapons yet?


I did…though I kind of don’t want to comment. They are minor tweaks, and I don’t think anyone will be satisfied by them. I believe this will be the last update though, so I don’t really want to be critical. I am thankful for their effort. I love this game for the teamwork, even if the gunplay isn’t ideal.

(RT1) #22

Changelog, Mr. Badman?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.

(Singh400) #23

[QUOTE=Apoc;385327]This you just showing off your nice fast internet? i have had no such update[/QUOTE]Ahhhaaaa, take that! And that you! Muhhhaaa :smiley:

[QUOTE=badman;385330]That looks like you grabbed the dedicated server as well? The PC update is just under 20MB.[/QUOTE]Must have, I opened it up, but I didn’t get to see what it was.

(tangoliber) #24

There is a weapon changelog in the blog post. Hopefully someone will extract the exact variables and provide an excel sheet as before. (In the first weapon update, most of the changes were not mentioned in the changelog at all, and some were even the opposite of what the changelog said.)

(RT1) #25

Badman, I love you!

Reduced spread on most weapons by 15% on average (except when knocked/downed)
Ironsighting is now slightly more accurate across the board

Improved accuracy on Rokstedi


Increased recoil on Rokstedi :frowning:

And I hope this doesn’t apply to the Rokstedi. It’s already tough enough to use against the hordes of spraying SMG players:

Reduced damage on most weapons by 5% on average

(Seiniyta) #26

They’re much less minor then you might think. 15% reduction of spread is pretty significent and the Gerund now feels awesome to use.

(Ajax's Spear) #27

no weapon tweaks on consoles = I don’t care. Well, maybe it will at least keep the PC players from bitching about favoritism for the next 10 minutes.

(coolstory) #28

So now if I shoot in bursts the bullets actually go where Im pointing?

(RT1) #29

Uh, not exactly. That would be a 100% reduction in spread. The 15 percent value indicates your shots will be that much less likely to not go where you’re pointing.

(ArchdemonXIII) #30

Take my observations with a grain of salt: I played offline at ~10 FPS for 3 rounds. Call it a 1st impression.

I only tried out my main setups so Bulpdaun & Caesar (subbed the galactic for one section) and Rhett & Tampa.

Overall it feels a lot different…more lethal. The bullets do less damage but hit more often. ADS feels a lot more beneficial, as does crouch fire. I found myself getting lots more headshots (both giving and receiving).

It seemed more fun, but then again I’ve been working on music and not playing much, so it could just be false exhilaration.

(Raidey) #31

Does anyone know if they fixed that damned ADS Hjammerdeim bug?

(tangoliber) #32

The demo recording is awesome in my opinion.
Also, is it possible to change to spectate or freefly mode when viewing a demo? Anyone have any console commands I can use to experiment with?

The post-match chatroom is great. That helps a lot. (Apparently some people already had this, but I never did.) These two features go a long way to improving Brink.

(Kratos) #33

Awesome. Yes its late but I will still be checking it out.

(taodemon) #34

I don’t think the damage nerf was necessary. Even with really good aim and most of your shots landing in the chest/head area it takes a full mag from guns like the bulpdaun to kill people.

(ArchdemonXIII) #35

Really? I’ve been fairly consistently wiping out 2-3 enemies at a whack with Bulpdaun + extended mag. And that’s with a bayonet instead of foregrip.

(RT1) #36

Just had a quick go. Not much time to report, but I can say the weapon tweaks, at least on the Rokstedi, are damn fine. It’s as if your ping has been halved and headshots actually register consistently.

(wolfnemesis75) #37

[QUOTE=RT1;385401]Just had a quick go. Not much time to report, but I can say the weapon tweaks, at least on the Rokstedi, are damn fine. It’s as if your ping has been halved and headshots actually register consistently.[/QUOTE]Sounds like good news 2 me.

(Fetter) #38

You know, if your accuracy goes up by 15%, but your damage goes down by 5%, that’s a net increase in damage per magazine…

(PsYcHo) #39

Just played a few rounds. Played great!
Thanks for the patch! I hope it wasn’t the last :wink: And I’m hoping for a second DLC?! :slight_smile: (But if, free. Or you will loose even more players)

(Fetter) #40

Definitely loving the new gun tweaks. ARs in particular feel a lot more solid, but the TTK hasn’t gone crazy like I was afraid it might.