New Brink Updates Released for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC

(badman) #1

A new blog entry has been added:

[drupal=895]New Brink Updates Released for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC[/drupal]

A new game update is now available for all versions of Brink, containing a bunch of fixes and improvements, and paving the way for the soon-to-be-released clan support. Highlights include improved spectator mode and host migration on the consoles, as well as demo recording and weapon tweaks on the PC. To grab the updates, simply fire up Brink while connected to the internet (consoles) or log into your Steam client (PC). We’ve got the full changelog for each platform at the end of this post, so keep on reading for those.
Please note that if you’re running a dedicated server for the PC version of Brink, you’ll need to update it to this new version, as well. The dedicated server download can be found in Steam’s Tools menu.
With the new clan features now just around the corner, we’ve also got a separate clan blog update for you, going over the new functionality it’ll be bringing to the game. To read all about it, check out our Brink Clans & Tournaments Sneak Peek.

(Dormamu) #2

Finally :smiley:

( #3

6 months too late.

(wolfnemesis75) #4

Awesome news! I will be checking this out ASAP!

(Darksider) #5

Been on Hiatus, glad to hear a Improved Spectate mode and Demo Recording is coming back.:wink: Now to try and get some of my buddies to come back and play this game once more and see if it’s doable.

(SinDonor) #6

No weapon tweaks for Xbox makes me sad…

(GreasedScotsman) #7

Yay! Thank you SD!

(wolfnemesis75) #8

[QUOTE=SinDonor;385301]No weapon tweaks for Xbox makes me sad…[/QUOTE]Do you want to give it a go with the ladders? Looks cool to me. I’ve been waiting for the update. Keeps track of our team progress.

(ArchdemonXIII) #9

Well. Aren’t you just a Negative Nancy.

I guess that clan update thing that said info was coming very soon was understated.

<3 SD

(Apoc) #10

How big was update? Just turned on steam and it downloaded like 2meg, guessing thats not it…

(wolfnemesis75) #11

[QUOTE=Apoc;385317]How big was update? Just turned on steam and it downloaded like 2meg, guessing thats not it…[/QUOTE]Not sure, but I am about to fire up the game as soon as I am done eating lunch. Well, on xbox.

(tangoliber) #12

The demo recording is a surprise. Thanks, SD.

(Darksider) #13

20 megs on PC, fixes and weapons tweaks It seems. Clan Support has not been implemented yet, if that means another update to the game itself I don’t know, since the clan support seems to be website based.

(Singh400) #14

(Apoc) #15

This you just showing off your nice fast internet? i have had no such update

(wolfnemesis75) #16

[QUOTE=Apoc;385317]How big was update? Just turned on steam and it downloaded like 2meg, guessing thats not it…[/QUOTE]Xbox says 5meg.

(badman) #17

That looks like you grabbed the dedicated server as well? The PC update is just under 20MB.

(coolstory) #18

So any1 on PC test out the weapons yet?


(Fetter) #19

Awesome, can’t wait to get on later on today and test out the changes. I’m glad to see that the accuracy increases came with damage decreases, as this will hopefully mitigate the potential TTK issue I was worried about earlier.

(tokamak) #20

Main menu keeps crashing so I can’t say anything about it. I’ll try on my brother’s pc when he’s finished playing skyrim.