Changing view in demo playback?

(tangoliber) #1

I really appreciate the demo recording. I have tested it out and had no problems.

I’d like to know what other console commands I can use with it though. I only know the Record, Stop and Play commands.

Is it possible to get out of 1st person view and free fly while in the demo?

Edit: To pause the demo is PauseNetDemo, but I don’t know how to unpause without starting the demo over.

(DarkangelUK) #2

I don’t believe there is a freecam option in Brink.

(tangoliber) #3

BrinkTV used freefly…but I’m not sure if it is possible to do it in demo playback.

(Darksider) #4

I think there is freefly in Spectator mode but not in DEMO playback. :mad::eek:

(DarkangelUK) #5

Yeah BrinkTV was all live spectator capture as demo recording was disabled at the time.