[QUOTE=V1cK_dB;335106]Sorry dude. It’s unacceptable this has to be done this way. Simple as that. As far as there being too many threads…don’t worry pretty soon there won’t be anyone playing the game so you can have the forum all to yourself. (as much as I don’t want that to happen)
As for SD knowing about lobbies…maybe they do…maybe they don’t. An official statement would be nice though don’t you think?[/QUOTE]
You seem to think that we are disagreeing. We’re not. I 100% agree with you. We need lobbies, they should have been there at start, etc. there’s other threads to discuss that. I know that SD knows about the need for lobbies because I have seen them post logical well formed responses to others posts on the forums (meaning theoretically they can read, process information, come to a conclusion about it, and type) and I have seen 100 threads called I CAN HAZ XBOX LOBBIES PLZ? Based on those 2 facts I have a good feeling they are aware of the desire. Also there was a post on Something Awful forums by a dev basically saying they are working on this along with nerfing Carb-9/adjust weapons. (Sorry I don’t have the link).
Btw you still haven’t stated whether the workaround has worked for you which is the topic of this thread.
If you want to continue this discussion further please PM me or hit me up on live (we can play some games) as I would really like this thread to stay OT about whether this works for people as a temporary fix that should have been completely unnecessary. See? We agree.
GT: Nephaerius