360 Lobby Workaround

(nephandys) #21

[QUOTE=V1cK_dB;335106]Sorry dude. It’s unacceptable this has to be done this way. Simple as that. As far as there being too many threads…don’t worry pretty soon there won’t be anyone playing the game so you can have the forum all to yourself. (as much as I don’t want that to happen)

As for SD knowing about lobbies…maybe they do…maybe they don’t. An official statement would be nice though don’t you think?[/QUOTE]

You seem to think that we are disagreeing. We’re not. I 100% agree with you. We need lobbies, they should have been there at start, etc. there’s other threads to discuss that. I know that SD knows about the need for lobbies because I have seen them post logical well formed responses to others posts on the forums (meaning theoretically they can read, process information, come to a conclusion about it, and type) and I have seen 100 threads called I CAN HAZ XBOX LOBBIES PLZ? Based on those 2 facts I have a good feeling they are aware of the desire. Also there was a post on Something Awful forums by a dev basically saying they are working on this along with nerfing Carb-9/adjust weapons. (Sorry I don’t have the link).

Btw you still haven’t stated whether the workaround has worked for you which is the topic of this thread.

If you want to continue this discussion further please PM me or hit me up on live (we can play some games) as I would really like this thread to stay OT about whether this works for people as a temporary fix that should have been completely unnecessary. See? We agree.

GT: Nephaerius

(Dresgar) #22

Seems like a good solution, I love Brink but I am sick of the matchmaking system.

Add me please

GT: Dres Gar

(wolfnemesis75) #23

^We should try organizing community game nights. We can do what nephandys suggests or private rooms.

(nephandys) #24

Me and my friends are always down. I have a bunch of RL friends and people that came over from MNC. It’s summer so less of us are on at once, but we usually try to play daily from 8PM-10:30PM EST at the very least. I’ve already added Dres and Wolf. I’m going to start a new thread about this.

GT: Nephaerius

(wolfnemesis75) #25

[QUOTE=nephandys;335224]Me and my friends are always down. I have a bunch of RL friends and people that came over from MNC. It’s summer so less of us are on at once, but we usually try to play daily from 8PM-10:30PM EST at the very least. I’ve already added Dres and Wolf. I’m going to start a new thread about this.

GT: Nephaerius[/QUOTE]

Cool. I played with you last night (monday) we had a rough last leg on Security Tower? I made a community night thread but if you have better way of setting it up, I can help.

(nephandys) #26

Yeah that was rough. I had a way better night tonight. Good games to Dres Gar. I missed your thread so no point in making my own. We can use this thread too like someone suggested. We can play with however many people we have and if we get enough we can start doing some privates. I have a lot of room on my friends list now that I cleared out from Halo 3 so I can add anyone. Just FR me if you haven’t already.

Completely casual and for the fun. Newbs and experienced players alike are all welcome.

GT: Nephaerius

(wolfnemesis75) #27

^I’ll will also help anyone who’s looking to get Tough As Nails or need to finish some of the Hardmode on Xbox. I know Shipyard can be a pain without enough players. I advise using mics for that. I too have space on my friend’s list.

(V1cK_dB) #28

[QUOTE=nephandys;335138]You seem to think that we are disagreeing. We’re not. I 100% agree with you. We need lobbies, they should have been there at start, etc. there’s other threads to discuss that. I know that SD knows about the need for lobbies because I have seen them post logical well formed responses to others posts on the forums (meaning theoretically they can read, process information, come to a conclusion about it, and type) and I have seen 100 threads called I CAN HAZ XBOX LOBBIES PLZ? Based on those 2 facts I have a good feeling they are aware of the desire. Also there was a post on Something Awful forums by a dev basically saying they are working on this along with nerfing Carb-9/adjust weapons. (Sorry I don’t have the link).

Btw you still haven’t stated whether the workaround has worked for you which is the topic of this thread.

If you want to continue this discussion further please PM me or hit me up on live (we can play some games) as I would really like this thread to stay OT about whether this works for people as a temporary fix that should have been completely unnecessary. See? We agree.

GT: Nephaerius[/QUOTE]

In my initial post I stated how I’ve been using this method since day 1. I’m aware we agree on the lobbies and that’s cool but I don’t agree that there are enough threads about lobbies. All that SD needs to do is comment on whether they are doing something abou it or not. So far I haven’t seen them do it so I don’t mind threads bringing it up. Not seeing threads on that topic might make an already questionable decision making dev especially on console needs like SD feel that people don’t think its important. If they at least had the decency to answer the question I don’t think you would see as many threads on it. It doesn’t bother me at all that people post threads about lobbies. Like I said before…at least people are still interested.

What amazes me is that people would complain about bringing it up. Bumping month old threads on the same topic is never effective. Sometimes someone has a different or unique way of communicating their point of view on lobbies and can inspire more people to comment or voice their opinion which would hopefully motivate SD to show a little respect to console gamers and finally address this major issue.

The day you don’t see those threads anymore…is the day you won’t be able to find more than 1 server on xbox…

(Gamer2Gamers) #29

your lucky most of mine have abandon this game…ehhhh…depressing

(Zekariah) #30

[QUOTE=V1cK_dB;335274]In my initial post I stated how I’ve been using this method since day 1. I’m aware we agree on the lobbies and that’s cool but I don’t agree that there are enough threads about lobbies. All that SD needs to do is comment on whether they are doing something abou it or not. So far I haven’t seen them do it so I don’t mind threads bringing it up. Not seeing threads on that topic might make an already questionable decision making dev especially on console needs like SD feel that people don’t think its important. If they at least had the decency to answer the question I don’t think you would see as many threads on it. It doesn’t bother me at all that people post threads about lobbies. Like I said before…at least people are still interested.

What amazes me is that people would complain about bringing it up. Bumping month old threads on the same topic is never effective. Sometimes someone has a different or unique way of communicating their point of view on lobbies and can inspire more people to comment or voice their opinion which would hopefully motivate SD to show a little respect to console gamers and finally address this major issue.

The day you don’t see those threads anymore…is the day you won’t be able to find more than 1 server on xbox…[/QUOTE]

I completely get your “Anger” mate. I too am a serial offender of Lobby threads…until I was informed that SD are under strict instructions to give radio silence on this topic due to their contract with Bethesda. Any major game updates or DLC cannot be announced or mentioned unless permitted by Bethesda first.

So, our frustration is not misplaced. But we are banging our heads against a brick wall with the constant lobby threads waiting for a reply. SD knows…it’s their move now.

BTW wolf and Nephandys, Friend us if you’re looking for another community player. I’m keen to play with more than just 1 other human player in a game!

(nephandys) #31

As mentioned earlier you can post here to be added to the 360 Community Friends Lists but the main thread can be found here: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php?p=335510#post335510

You can also just FR me or Wolfnemesis75

GT: Nephaerius

(wolfnemesis75) #32

[QUOTE=Zekariah;335337]I completely get your “Anger” mate. I too am a serial offender of Lobby threads…until I was informed that SD are under strict instructions to give radio silence on this topic due to their contract with Bethesda. Any major game updates or DLC cannot be announced or mentioned unless permitted by Bethesda first.

So, our frustration is not misplaced. But we are banging our heads against a brick wall with the constant lobby threads waiting for a reply. SD knows…it’s their move now.

BTW wolf and Nephandys, Friend us if you’re looking for another community player. I’m keen to play with more than just 1 other human player in a game![/QUOTE]

I will send you a fr right now.

(DirtFist5000) #33

Gamertag is…well…DirtFist5000…add my ass and we’ll suck eachother off.

(DirtFist5000) #34

I mean…buff eachother’s guns.

(V1cK_dB) #35


(StillBatusBrad) #36

StillBatusBrad on XBL - will answer any FR’s from forum-types.

Need Brink. Hate Bots. Nuff said.

(nephandys) #37

bump. Based on other threads this still seems useful and relevant.

(noahk2000) #38

thanks when do you guys want to play like 7 on saturday?