[QUOTE=Apoc;385515]I dont know if my opinion falls into that category, but i played it for about 30 mins. Seems that bullets hit where you point a lot more, although brink has retained its original feel and doesnt feel like it has transformed in any way. However it does feel slightly more responsive to aim, In the small time i played i pretty much raped an entire team by my self, i guess this shows aim is becoming a factor, as i mowed down 9 people in the space of 10 seconds with 2 clips. However it doesnt change the fact that i was on 1 of 2 populated servers and pretty much everyone i was against had the combined skill of a 1 week ETQW newbie.
I dont really think the changes matter at all if brink doesnt do something to regain a player base. You can make a game perfect but it wont matter if no one plays it.[/QUOTE]
Well even with the pre-patch weapons it was still easy to wipe a pub with bad players, so that’s a possible factor with the game in its current state I’m sure. How is the full weapon set? Even if the weapons have spread reduction overall, has there been any sign of an actual attempt at applying any sort of system of balance or is it still a one-sided mess? To be honest I think had the game had better weapon functionality/balance on release, it may have helped slow its death. Needless to say, the awful weapon mechanics and balance was the least of Brink’s problems. I just hope that the most simple/essential things that are expected will return in the future, as Brink is realistically not worth the effort at this point. I’ll probably try out the patch myself to see it first hand as soon as I am able, but I doubt it will be enough to keep my attention or fix the game.