General Chat

Broken links! (2)
What's the best way to support community-content? ( 2 ) (21)
Valve using Heat Maps during beta of CS:GO (8)
Splash Damage is Hiring! (4)
Coming Soon: New, Better User Accounts for (12) Redesign Preview! (10)
Community Question: Favourite Gaming Platforms ( 2 ) (29)
Community Question: V-Says and Automated Communication ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) (128)
Community Question: Campaign Rewards and Unlocks ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) (142)
Splash Damage To Un-Endanger Tapirs with Tip Tap Tapir (14)
Splash Damage Unleashes Tapir Wars 3 and T.R.A.M.S. ( 2 ) (31)
Splash Damage in 2012 - A Message From Paul Wedgwood ( 2 3 4 ) (74)
Community Question: Mines and Friendly Fire ( 2 3 ) (44)
FIFA's Ex-Development Director Appointed Splash Damage's Director of Production ( 2 ) (26)
The Platform of Choice (7)
Shacknews misses ET. (8)
Announcing Fireteam Ltd, Splash Damage's New Online Services Partner ( 2 ) (25)
Community Question: Incapacitation and You ( 2 3 ) (59)
Visiting SD (13)
Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Marc 'Marco' Fascia (10)
Currently Hurling Controllers / Mice At... Buzz! and Lots of Other Stuff (2)
Production Testers Wanted! (12)
Ninja Theory's Lead Gameplay Programmer Appointed SD Technical Director (19)
Community Question: Average Multiplayer Play Time ( 2 3 ) (41)
Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Andrew 'DingoBongo' Quinn (7)
Community Question: Favourite Melee Style ( 2 ) (34)
We've Reached 10,000 Twitter Followers! Are You One of Them? (9)
The case against matchmaking ( 2 ) (39)
Splash Damage Looking for Game Designers (15)
Happy New Year (9)