Brink Spawn menu does not close

(sunil98) #1

pls help me,
when I’m in the game and press esc I do not come out from the menu

sry for my bat English

(AeroAtlas) #2

My best guess is to restart the game and if that doesn’t work reinstall it. That should fix it.

(Crispy) #3

[QUOTE=sunil98;389224]pls help me,
when I’m in the game and press esc I do not come out from the menu

sry for my bat English[/QUOTE]Are you running any other software that utilizes the Escape key as a key bind?

(P4R4D0X) #4

[QUOTE=sunil98;389224]pls help me,
when I’m in the game and press esc I do not come out from the menu

sry for my bat English[/QUOTE]

I am having the same issue, when I am in-game, and I press Escape, the spawn menu opens. But it will not close again when I press Escape. I have re-started the game, and I don’t have any other software in the background. Is reinstalling the only other option?

(The Ranger) #5

maybe your esc key is pushed in .You never know it could be little things like these that cause these problems. its happend to me.

(Crispy) #6

[QUOTE=Crispy;389467]Are you running any other software that utilizes the Escape key as a key bind?[/QUOTE]Furthermore, are you using any custom config files?