This Game is Great! ....but you pooped the bed.....

(gold163) #21

Brink’s persistent unlock system wasn’t even very effort-intensive. I had pretty much every weapon and attachment unlocked by day two or three, and I’m sure plenty of people unlocked all that by the first day they played. Leveling up felt rewarding because of how abilities worked and how you had to find a build that was right for your own play style (but it could have been more balanced). Honestly I’m satisfied with the persistent unlocking system. That’s definitely not one of the reasons why Brink was disappointing to me. It was how the maps were designed to pidgeon-hole every player into a specific role with absolutely no ambiguity. It was boring. You couldn’t really do anything with a class that the developers hadn’t specifically designed into the game and only on very specific points on each map. And SMART was supposed to make movement more fast and fluid, but the nature of the player physics made it feel clunky, rigid and slow in the first place.

(Patriotqube) #22


Your completely right about the maps mate

since i realised what a f**u it was, they havent been on our server

(jazevec) #23

I think lack of content is a red herring. People wouldn’t mind few maps if the existing ones were great fun to play on. And I don’t just mean map design. I think the gunplay isn’t satisfying. Turrets are bad, there are fewer classes and Covert Op is still a novelty.

(gold163) #24

There’s no doubt that Brink’s fundamental design is flawed. But even if they fix these issues up, the only way to get the attention of possible new players to attract would be to make a big fuss out of an announcement like, “we have new content!” Nobody cares if the game is fixed besides the people who already play it, and SD really has no economic incentive to fix this game for the existing player base. Besides, the maps we already have suck, so the only solutions are to either fix those or add more. I feel like a few of these maps are too deeply flawed to fix already.

(light_sh4v0r) #25

I wouldn’t come back if they said we have new content, they’ve done that before and it didn’t help.

(INF3RN0) #26

The only solution is to take a step back and figure out how to make sure things go better next time. Obviously they had the attention of people initially, but it’s time better spent to do it right from scratch. Gotta face the fact that what Brink would require is beyond a patch budget/schedule. I would rather see a functional game in the future, rather than a bandaged near dead corpse of a game.

(McGarnagle) #27

They should give all of the DLC away for free and ask for our forgiveness… Also a few complaints about the in-game … the guns are generic, but we expected that … my main beef is why would anyone go heavy other than to use minigun or nade spam? Only the light can use the movement system to effect and it was NOTHING like they advertised. Wall jumps and the like are pure novelty that end up in you getting shot out of the sky mostly. Sure you can take alternate paths but so what, that by itself isnt bringing much extra to the gaming world. This game would have been cooler if it was all pepper spray and batons VS handfuls of dust in the eyes and broken bottles … Wow… I think I am on to something here. Besides my fabulous idea for a ‘cops vs robbers’-esque game, I can’t even get excited to play this anymore as I am beyond frustrated, every damned game is CoD or BF or all those clone games and this one was supoposed to be fresh and new. But it wasn’t at all was it? Molotovs dont even ignite cloth, they knock you down like a concussive would… incendiary isnt concussive… There are so many little things that add up to destroy the feeling that BRINK was supposed to offer us, it’s now Call of Duty where I can climb a fence and slide … OoOoOoOoOoOoOdon’t care.(BTW I hate call of duty) Very let down and frustrated as I thought this was going to be a great new experience.

(sanDIOkan) #28

this should teach you that a **** is still a **** even if it costs 5 euros

(dazman76) #29

I honestly can’t believe you’re still posting these 1-line jabs at SD :slight_smile: What’s that you’ve posted in now, maybe 5 threads in the past week - all of them basically “told you it was crap”? Lots of us were frustrated and disappointed, but you’re basically nipping back in, shouting “your game is crap, I told you so!” and kicking ribs for good measure. Seriously, let it go :slight_smile: lol

(coolstory) #30

Brink was a serious let down. I was okay with low fps and even bugs but…

Gunplay - Random luck based (still is) I thought this game would reward skill.

Sound - Guns sound okay…but the atmosphere sounds are horrible, not to mention the annoying sound effects when you get shot (do developers not have ears?)

Movement - Feels clunky and unnatural. Smart was okay but Urban Terror did it much better.

Visuals - Only thing good about brink. I thought the guns and art style were nice.

Brink’s idea was good but SD ****ed it up. A beta and developers with a brain cell could have made brink really good.

Hopefully SD learned from this and makes a better game next time

(Ruben0s) #31

Gameplay video of ET
Gameplay video of ET:QW
Gameplay video of Brink

I can’t find a good gameplay video of brink, but if you just look at these video and compare it too brink…
Brink is so slow-paced and dumbed down like s h it.

(donmichelangelo) #32

I can’t find a good gameplay video of brink, but if you just look at these video and compare it too brink…
Brink is so slow-paced and dumbed down like s h it.[/QUOTE]

Erm, Brink is slow-paced? I dont know what Brink game you have played recently but i have enough fast-paced action in my matches and i played a lot quake (including ql), ET and ETQW so i will know what is fast-paced and what slow… or what’s your definition of slow and fast-paced games?

(Covan2306) #33

But this is where I rage face: I start up on monday and there is no more DLC … ok thats sad because they didnt offer the package deal for a good price it was just vanilla brink. Now I can’t join any servers or even play the game because everyone has two maps that I don’t.

I always find servers that are playing with base map pack, no dlc…always

There was no point in buying a game you can’t play. Take a look at who is playing online… it’s not that popular. It could have been but you constantly split the community(THE SUPER SMALL COMMUNITY) over rediculous crap like thinking your unsuccessful game deserves expensive DLC… to get those two maps that lock me out of every server online costs 10$ and I bought the game for 5$ … Do I really want to pay double for a DLC… Even if i bought it at full price I would never ever in a million years pay 10$ for two maps.

Point to what your saying is…due to your personal issues with the game you wont pay for the DLC but expect to have same access to features that those who did pay have…and um…QQ, SHUT YOUR PURSE AND GET ON YOUR PONY

You should have taken a lesson from other games, where the new maps are free and if people want more skins then they can buy character packs… that way people who want more customization can pay and everyone can keep playing together. Instead it’s a wedge in the community and it’s completely ruined my gaming experience.

More QQ, for the loyal players/aka community core we have the dlcs we got em free cuz we were here

Please just give the maps out for free

This is a business, you understand that right?
To me you pooped your bed, then tried to blame SD even tho you only payed 1/12th of games price, seriously life is this easy: If you don’t like a game don’t play it…that frickin simple mush.

My personal opinion, even tho the games release was severely tainted…I love the game PS3 community is at a nice size where i don’t know all, still meet/see new player, but we have a strong core of players who equally enjoy the game, have the DLC’s and are fully capable of overlooking a few bugs/issues and not having 265,000,000 strong player base, Due to the fact we got a fun game, which does break the mold.
I don’t think there will be anymore DLC’s nor a sequel, dont give to Brad Pitts either. I understand why some people feel hard done to or don’t like it, and believe they should do one, wont be missed, I think SD/Beth realized pretty quick the game aint gunna be a real money maker, so i doubt they’ll miss any of the kleenex crew

(Ruben0s) #34

I didn’t play brink for 5 months, so I could be wrong. But in my memory brink was slow-paced compared to ET and ET:QW. Only the light body type is a bit fast. And if I remember right, you can’t shoot while sprinting. Also it was not possible to do strafe/strickjumps. In ET and ET:QW you had instant revives which you don’t have with brink.
I didn’t say that brink is a slow-paced game but I compared it with previous splashdamage titles, which imo are faster-paced than brink is.

(zenstar) #35

[QUOTE=Ruben0s;389015]I didn’t play brink for 5 months, so I could be wrong. But in my memory brink was slow-paced compared to ET and ET:QW. Only the light body type is a bit fast. And if I remember right, you can’t shoot while sprinting. Also it was not possible to do strafe/strickjumps. In ET and ET:QW you had instant revives which you don’t have with brink.
I didn’t say that brink is a slow-paced game but I compared it with previous splashdamage titles, which imo are faster-paced than brink is.[/QUOTE]

Brink is super slow as med or heavy body types. Med is about the normal speed in your average fps but there are no bunny hop tricks, rocket jumping tricks, vehicles or even the Icarus to increase that speed. Heavy is super slow. As a light the game is pretty speedy while you’re alive.
The one thing that does tend to bog down the action is all the running from the spawn area. If you’re with a group who just won’t team up properly you’ll see the same corridors over and over again. Also, some of the maps have you spawn pretty far from some objectives and there’s no way to cap an intermediate spawn point so sometimes you’ll just be running a long way because you got caught by a lucky grenade.

I wouldn’t say it’s slow paced but it’s not as actioned packed IMO. There’s definitely a certain something missing that makes the game more forgettable than it should be.

(Midnight) #36


I can’t find a good gameplay video of brink, but if you just look at these video and compare it too brink…
Brink is so slow-paced and dumbed down like s h it.[/QUOTE]
Brink is a console game, the others are PC games. This is sadly the state of gaming now…

(The Ranger) #37

Brink needs a BIGGER community , the more players. the more people buying DLC , which mean the more money splash damage is getting. Which will eventually bring their nice side out and lower the price of the DLC or maybe even allow it free in the market. Developers need money somehow, and with the tiny community we have its hard for them to gain profit.

(LightningV) #38

This is me putting in my two cents if the community is “so small” as of right now why not do little things that some guys have already suggested like new clothing options or new weapons/skins to bring back old/ new players. I personally am content with the game, but I would not argue over something else Beth & S.D. would throw our way. Why not have a DLC pack come out that adds additional colors to the clothing we have now, have 2 more outfits/ hairstyles, shields for heavies with pistol for side/ tactical light for all classes or what ever else. I figured this would be easier then making new map packs or map editor, plus their still making profit off of it.

(Apples) #39

Am I the only one who feel he didnt get ripped at all???

(zenstar) #40

I don’t feel ripped off. I got my money’s worth from the game. I am dissapointed that it became so boring so quickly though. It’s a fun game but it doesn’t hold your attention very long at all. Based on previous SD releases I would have throught this would have had longer lasting appeal.

Either way: I don’t feel like I was ripped off.