Screen goes black (AMD)

(ziggyownz) #1

AMD phenom II Processor 1090T
DDR 3 8.00 GB RAM
64 Bit OS WIN7
AMD Radeon HD 6790

ive been having this problem with RAGE and also Brink if you find a fix that works please tell me
because when i del the AMD drivers my hole display goes black and i can not fix the problem with a
upgrade as well same issue over and over again i’m really disappointed in this video card when it comes
to these games other then that everything els works fine great. but thats not what i’m trying to get out i want to play thoughs games really baddly please someone help!!! is my yahoo messenger or email me back at please contact me soon

(Crispy) #2

Please update to the following AMD drivers and see if that improves it:

If the issue persists, please post your DxDiag (see my sig for info on how to get this).