xbox 360 rollcall

(SinDonor) #21

[QUOTE=St NickelStew;356523]If you are trying to do it for the unlocks, you must do them by yourself.

It helps if you start a brand new character and then do the hardest challenges first. They can be noticeably easier that way.[/QUOTE]

You can also semi-cheat by unlocking the Heavy body type, and GotLung. The Tower and Escort challenges are much easier when you have 200 rounds to your disposal and don’t have to worry about a reload for a while. Make the Gotlung your #1 default weapon and some AR or SMG as your #2 default.

The game makes you use the Med body type, but you can still keep the GotLung.

I easily beat those challenges that way. Cheater, yeah? So what, I just wanted to get all the weapons and attachments unlocked so I could get into the real games anyways.

(St NickelStew) #22

[QUOTE=SinDonor;356528]You can also semi-cheat by unlocking the Heavy body type, and GotLung. The Tower and Escort challenges are much easier when you have 200 rounds to your disposal and don’t have to worry about a reload for a while. Make the Gotlung your #1 default weapon and some AR or SMG as your #2 default.

The game makes you use the Med body type, but you can still keep the GotLung.

I easily beat those challenges that way. Cheater, yeah? So what, I just wanted to get all the weapons and attachments unlocked so I could get into the real games anyways.[/QUOTE]

For the 3* version of both the Tower and Escort challenges, I used a Medium with two SMGs (the Bulpdaun and the Carb-9, I think).

With a heavy a running out of bullets and getting myself killed going for ammo. With a medium I used the greater maneuverability to stay alive, and with two SMGs you are still carrying a lot of bullets.

(nephandys) #23

[QUOTE=Gorilla Gunk;356512]Mr Lies

Don’t have a mic at the moment. Just broke my fifth one. I know that’s important to some people, like me.

Really need some people to complete Tower Defense 2 and Be More Objective 2. Those things are hard as hell to beat by yourself if not impossible. Plus none of my AI teammate seem to spawn. Not that they would be much help anyway.[/QUOTE]
I remember the very first time I loaded up the game and did these challenges alone and they were quite difficult. Now I don’t know if it’s that time has passed or what, but any new character I start I run through all 3 stars of each challenge on one shot. I can do the same with lvl 20’s except BMO I struggle there on my 20, but it’s still doable. They are all definitely easier on a brand new character though (lvl 1-4/5).

The key to Escort - is constantly staying within the bots activation radius so that it is always moving forward. At the same time you keep an eye on the doors. The ones with flashing lights over the top are the one’s that are going to have enemies come out. I think they always come in waves of threes. Since I see the light and know they are coming they are dead before they break the door way. If you keep the bot constantly moving as I suggested 9/10 times no more than one wave will make it through each door. Lastly, make sure you capture the CP as this will allow you to refill your ammo. Capture the CP while remaining within the bot activation radius as well. Others have suggested use 2 SMG’s personally I keep the same loadout as I do for MP so Medium w/ Rhett+Kross.

Tower Defense - Always buff your weapon and keep a landmine at the base of the CP. The key here once again is the flashing lights. You will always know which doorway the enemies are going to come through and with enough practice none of them will make it through the doorway anymore than the bots in the escort challenge. If you die the bots are going to go straight for your CP. Hence the landmine. At the same time when you respawn if you come out the way that’s the fastest to the CP, chuck a frag nade up to drop right in front of the CP where your landmine was. That will knock any bot trying to cap it down on his ass.

For me these were the key components to beating these missions. None of the strategies I suggested requires you to have any class specific or general skills to be successful. Be more objective has a bit of randomness to success based on bot AI on both sides and how things play out. However, Escort and TD are much more predictible and therefore you can create a plan of action to destroy these challenges.

(wolfnemesis75) #24

[QUOTE=nephandys;356562]I remember the very first time I loaded up the game and did these challenges alone and they were quite difficult. Now I don’t know if it’s that time has passed or what, but any new character I start I run through all 3 stars of each challenge on one shot. I can do the same with lvl 20’s except BMO I struggle there on my 20, but it’s still doable. They are all definitely easier on a brand new character though (lvl 1-4/5).

The key to Escort - is constantly staying within the bots activation radius so that it is always moving forward. At the same time you keep an eye on the doors. The ones with flashing lights over the top are the one’s that are going to have enemies come out. I think they always come in waves of threes. Since I see the light and know they are coming they are dead before they break the door way. If you keep the bot constantly moving as I suggested 9/10 times no more than one wave will make it through each door. Lastly, make sure you capture the CP as this will allow you to refill your ammo. Capture the CP while remaining within the bot activation radius as well. Others have suggested use 2 SMG’s personally I keep the same loadout as I do for MP so Medium w/ Rhett+Kross.

Tower Defense - Always buff your weapon and keep a landmine at the base of the CP. The key here once again is the flashing lights. You will always know which doorway the enemies are going to come through and with enough practice none of them will make it through the doorway anymore than the bots in the escort challenge. If you die the bots are going to go straight for your CP. Hence the landmine. At the same time when you respawn if you come out the way that’s the fastest to the CP, chuck a frag nade up to drop right in front of the CP where your landmine was. That will knock any bot trying to cap it down on his ass.

For me these were the key components to beating these missions. None of the strategies I suggested requires you to have any class specific or general skills to be successful. Be more objective has a bit of randomness to success based on bot AI on both sides and how things play out. However, Escort and TD are much more predictible and therefore you can create a plan of action to destroy these challenges.[/QUOTE]
Yup. I would add this to the topic: Always think in the challenges “Aggressive Push”. You want to be pushing towards enemy and look to make progress forward rather than playing defensively. You are beating bots to predetermined paths so you have to stay aggressive on the challenges. I do them at times with 20 lvl dudes just to fool around.

(nephandys) #25

Just wanted to drop in and invite you all to participate in our Brink Player Forums. We’ve even created a special section for all you 360 players! Many of you are already part of the site, but new people should feel free to come by, register, and join in the fun. Our goal is to grow the community and connect other players together both for Brink and other titles as well.

Resistance is Futile

(yuval152) #26

EeriestVirus,dont have a mic but i do teamwork

(Lunchab1es) #27

GT: Lunchab1es

Everyone please feel free to add me. I go back and forth bw brink and halo.

(nephandys) #28

I have any new people added. I’ll be on around 8PM EST tonight.

(TheDoomSpoon) #29

The Doom Spoon

Im looking for mainly UK players but im cool if anyone else wants to add me.

(iezza) #30


Uk players please!

(RandyNinja) #31

The Randy Ninja in the uk and have a mic and a fast stable connection

(iezza) #32

WHy you offline wayne?

(RandyNinja) #33

ill be on soon enough

(ZombieJebus666) #34

Gamertag: Zombiejesus666
Online most times, in australia.
Cheers doods \m/o_O\m/