lol? Since when are fast loadtimes a problem now? xD
ati 5700 series & brinks low fps
Yes it is because the game is obviously not caching stuff into memory beforehand.
Black Ops had this issues and after a patch they added a Shader warming option to cache things into memory that improved performance on mid range cards as the expense of loading times.
That could be helpful for programmers, abjectblitz (if they will ever read this thread :p)
Anyway, I hope you do something to fix this, I’ve seen no sign of work on this issue, or promise to fix it, which makes me sad
i hope that they still work on the performance, even when the last ATI hotfix brought it to the “almost-playable” stage. the problem is that you simply got a disadvantage with fps drops to 25 while most nvidia users run the game on 80+ fps even tho their rig is much older/worse than yours. i really wanted to play this game competitively, but it seems like i need to stick to starcraft 2 until this mess is fixed.
don’t get me wrong, i love brink so far. but i can’t compete in it when the performance is so bad…
it would be satisfying to read something official, at least some response that they are aware of it, or even work on it…
currently it is just frustrating!
I just signed up to say this.
Splash Damage is the reason I will never preorder a game again or buy it for full price. I am playing for example Crysis 2 or Battlefield 3 on nearly highest settings(60-100fps) but if I want to play Brink its impossible. 10-20 fps on 800x600 lowest settings. What the f*** is this? First I thought ok, gameplay is realy nice and for this I can wait until they have fixed it but it looks like you give a **** after you(SD) have sold the game. Thank you guys for such a bs and stealing my 60€.
so ATI’s problem of not being able to produce proper working drivers is somehow Splash Damage’s fault, interesting. By that reasoning we should thank them for nVidia being able to make OpenGL drivers that actually work, lol