ati 5700 series & brinks low fps

(fps_bam) #1


Before the update you launched last monday (23rd), my fps in the game was somewhat stable at 60-70, which is acceptable when it comes to multiplayer gameplay.

After the patch I have been spiking all the way down to 20 fps, and up to 120 with certain fps configs, tips and tweaks.

I have tried 5 different fps configs, from basically all over the place. I have tried different drivers for my graphics card, and I am currently running on the 10.5 version of ATIs CCC, which seems to be working slightly better than 11.5b.

My rig is the following;
Dual intel E8500, 3.2ghz
ATI radeon hd serie 5770
4gb 667mhz ddr2 ram
sufficient mobo and harddrives.

The problem here is that brink is the only game that doesn’t allow me to play properly. At all. I have played several new games and gotten a great and stable fps on them.

After spending some time on google, I see that it seems to be a problem when it comes to ATI cards and Brink. I do not know if this is ATI’s fault or Brink’s fault, but I know that it is currently unplayable for me, and that has to change.

The problem here is clearly not the specs on my card, in my opinion. People can play with nvidia cards that have worse specs than my 5770 card, and still get above 100 stable fps more than me.

I will not buy an nvidia card for a single game when other games I play, like StarCraft2 work excellent on my current rig, and pull at least the same amount of force as Brink should be doing.

Problem: poor fps on ati 5770
Solution: None(?)
Adaption: I am willing to help you in any way to fix this problem. I think Brink is a good game, when it can be played.

If you have any constructive ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them here. I do not mind helping you in testing of certain ideas whether they are related to Brink settings, updates or my rig.

edit; added dxdiag;

(Inofor) #2

I got a 5830 with Q6700@3,6GHz. I’m getting some 25 to 60 fps with 11.5b, very much better than before.

(fps_bam) #3

Well, 60 fps is still low. I have friends with worse nvidia cards than my ati card, and they get 100 stable fps.

(hellreturn) #4

Mine got worse with 11.5b and i moved back to 11.4. Using 5850.

(Kurnuttaja) #5

55-120 fps on GTX260 SE, 35-80 on Security Tower. Dunno if the HD5770 should be better or not.

(abjectblitz) #6

ATI have historically always had terrible OpenGL performance unfortunately.

On my overclocked 5970 with working crossfire drivers I get anything from 40-200 fps. With an average of about 60.

With earlier drivers without crossfire effectively working like a single 5870 I was getting 30-70 with average of about 40fps.

Those results are at 1920x1200 with anti aliasing on. Ambient Occlusion Off and motion blur Off. Everything else on highest.
Processer: Q9650 @ 4.2ghz

I can only imagine how crap it would be on lesser cards. I blame ATI for not investing in their OpenGL drivers as the graphics are no where near good enough to justify the hit, for example Crysis 1 runs better than that!

(fps_bam) #7

So what do we do when we have ati on games that use OpenGL? :confused:

(abjectblitz) #8

Try turning Ambient Occlusions off and you could also try turn off shadows in console (r_shadows 0 I think). Also disable AntiAliasing which barely works anyway.

Other than that use the latest driver 11.5b and latest application profiles. And hope that ATI improve performance in future drivers.

Would be nice if SD also patched the game to somehow work better on ATI cards, but I don’t think it is their fault.

Latest drivers:
Latest profiles:

(fps_bam) #9

I’ve tried the 11.5b without luck, I’ve turned off everything without luck :frowning:

All we can do is get a proper answer from SD.

(BUDA20) #10

Sorry splash damage but is not the graphic card, is the game…

The game is fun and is a good idea… btw…

I tested a LOT of drivers and settings, and I think is something that game does in the process itself

If you low everything on the game, on the drivers and use the lowest resolution you still get microshutering, no matter what…

I tested all the settings prerender frames ahead, triple buffering, etc etc etc… nothing helps.

The game still reads the big file and shutters in that moment, even when I run the game on a faster SSD.

And it dint use too much memory, but is marked to be 2GB+ address aware…

I think it try to use less memory for console compatibility…

Anyway… try test all at minimum possible, I mean EVERYTHING, and let me know if it shutters anyway…

(abnorm) #11

I f*** around since release. uninstall, install a lot of drivers. both hotfixes 11-5a/11-5b make it worse. all ccc stettings on high performence and tweaked my cfg. no way to get constant FPS. I noticed that on a emty server (no bots, no humanplayers) I get around 80 fps. But if the server is full the fps drops to 17 - 30 fps.
To play Esl Championship Qualifier with 17 FPS is like pain in the ass. Stoped playing Brink because thats no fun at all.

Core2 Quad @ 2.4GHz
Sapphire Radeon HD 5830

//AB:NORM´s autoexec 

seta image_filter "GL_NEAREST"
seta com_useFastVidRestart "1"
seta r_displayRefresh "60"
seta ui_fov "110"
seta r_useMotionBlur "0"
seta r_useAntiAliasing "0"
seta r_multiSamples "1"
seta image_anisotropy "0"
seta com_videoRam "1024"
seta r_useHBAO "0"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "0"
seta r_usePortals "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "5"
seta r_aspectMode "0"
seta s_useOcclusion "0"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_enable_voice "0"
seta s_enable_mic "0"
seta s_volume_dB "0"
seta s_volumeMusic_dB "-60"
seta s_volumeVoIPIn_dB "0"
seta s_volumeVoIPOut_dB "0"
seta ui_crouchToggle "0"
seta ui_ironSightToggle "0"
seta in_toggleSprint "0"
seta m_rawInput "0"
seta in_player_pitch_invert "0"
seta m_smooth "0"
seta sensitivity "1.3"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta com_bootLogo "0"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1"
seta m_pitch "0.011"
seta g_loadScreenWait "0" 
seta g_friendlyColor ".8 .8 1 .2"    
seta g_fireteamColor ".5 .1 .9 .2"    
seta g_fireteamLeaderColor "1 1 1 .2"

(sirius89) #12

ATI HD5770 here.

20 FPS,sometimes it even dips down to 10-17.

I’am not willing to turn this game down so that it looks like UT99,to make it run better.Fix your ****ing game finally.You didnt test this game one second,not one second!

This game should run MAXED OUT with 4x AA 16xAF on smooth 40-60 FPS.It looks like a 2007 game.There is NOTHING special about the graphics,NOTHING!
And i wont post my DxDiag again,did it so often and it changed nothing.

Every Hotfix driver made it worse and worse and worse and worse.They ****ed up my whole windows so it need minutes and minutes to boot and everything.

ATI is to ****ing dumb to have their drivers always updated for Open GL and SD is to ****ing lazy to test this game.

Good combination.

(Fatfool) #13

The 5770 is no where powerful enough to play these games at decent quality levels. Even my 5870 struggles. Btw, for some reason, probably lack of optimisation, it took a Radeon 5870 to get ETQW running at smooth frame rates. My Previous 8800GTX, the most powerful card back when ETQW was launched kept getting crap frames on Salvage.

(sirius89) #14

That’s why i play EVERY game maxed out except Brink right?
BC2 maxed out,Crysis 1 maxed out,Arkham Asylum maxed out,Crysis 2 maxed out,TwoWorlds2 maxed out,The Witcher 2 nearly maxed out…
Everything runs fine but Brink!
And EVERY of this games looks better then Brink.Hell even Arkham Asylum and that game is from 2009.
HD5770 should have enough power to get this game running at a good and stable framerate.

And btw it’s not normal for a graphics card even if it’s not the best that the FPS drops are THAT crazy.It drops literally from 60 frames to 12-17.thats not normal.If my graphics card wouldn’t be strong enough i wouldnt even get the 60 Frames at some points in the game.

Your argument is invalid.

(keefy) #15

I get poop FPS and stuttering also using 5770

E8400 @ 3.7GHz
5770 @ 850 core, 1200 Memory
4GB RAM 1066

(fps_bam) #16

I believe it is like siruis89 says, I can run everything but brink well. So it is not the gfx card. A mate is running on the nvidia 470, which is actually a bit worse than the ati 5770 when it comes to specs, but it is designed for opengl, while ati is made to directx.

However, any proper suggestions or upcoming fixes regarding this?

(light_sh4v0r) #17

[QUOTE=abnorm;327495]I f*** around since release. uninstall, install a lot of drivers. both hotfixes 11-5a/11-5b make it worse. all ccc stettings on high performence and tweaked my cfg. no way to get constant FPS. I noticed that on a emty server (no bots, no humanplayers) I get around 80 fps. But if the server is full the fps drops to 17 - 30 fps.
To play Esl Championship Qualifier with 17 FPS is like pain in the ass. Stoped playing Brink because thats no fun at all.

Exactly the same here, with an 4850 the numbers are even lower…

(aA`) #18

hello splash damage, can you improve perfomance please?

(merkymerc) #19

I am having bad frames per second as well on my 5770. I was getting 85-130fps on 11.5a drivers, but on 11.5b I’m getting 50-130. In tight corridors my fps is always above 100, but as soon as I go into an open area my fps cuts in half. I can’t find a download link for the 11.5a RC3 drivers any more :frowning:

I have shadows on medium (turning them off entirely makes no difference), and textures on low. I am not using any other visual effects other than 2xAA.

This is what I have in my autoexec:

seta r_gamma "1"
seta r_brightness "1.2"
seta r_displayRefresh "85"
seta r_swapinterval "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "5"
seta r_useMotionBlur "0"
seta r_multiSamples "2"
seta r_useAntiAliasing "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "0"
seta r_usePortals "1"
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_useShadowMaps "1"
seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1"
seta r_visDistMult "0.9"
seta r_userenderthread "0"
seta vt_anisotropy "0"
seta image_anisotropy "0"
seta image_lodbias "0.1"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta cm_backFaceCull "1"

So do I really have to spend $300 on a new card just to play this? What else can be done?
On these forums, it seems most would like to blame ATI. Over at ATI/AMD’s forums, most seem to want to place blame on Splash Damage. I am going to say it is a combination of the two. I could be wrong.

I got this game with playing competitively in mind. Without the ability to tweak more settings and gain fps as well as cap my framerate (com_maxfps) - I doubt I am going to be doing that. I refuse to use vsync to cap my frames, it makes my mouse movement feel sluggish.

Catalyst shows only 50-60% activity on my card; and windows task manager is showing about 50% cpu usage.

(abjectblitz) #20

Having thought about it I think SD can improve the performance.

For a start map loads are blistering fast which is Not a good sign.

They needs to add shader warming and caching into memory.