General Chat

Splash Damage Discord Chat Guide (3)
About the General Chat category (1)
Save Brink: release the source code under the GPL! (2)
GPL release of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (1)
W:ET maps from building blocks (4)
Wolf:ET is now on Steam! (4)
We’re creating a brand new game in an original sci-fi universe (8)
ET brightness not working with Nvidia card in Ubuntu (2)
Among Us in Unity 3D project abandoned (1)
A Merry Fishmus to one and all (1)
Splash Damage Merch! (2)
Thanksgiving (1)
Got my Pfzer shot, Nothing to do with ET but it's General Chat (3)
Splash Damage Turns Twenty! (3)
Mapping Problems (5)
A slight insight on what's to come (4)
Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony (5)
Revans demo [2020/pc/hun/eng/rom/pol/ru] (6)
I can run with 2 gb ram? (4)
Announcing Outcasters! (3)
What was your first Splash game? (10)
Wanna be a dev? (1)
Cut the Crap with the Loot Boxes (19)
The sequel dilemma, make your choice! (11)
Unreleased Map: Agency (3)
Cant stop ShooterGame-Win32-Shipping (1)
Halo MCC Beta Signup Now Open (7)
MCC PC, Halo: Reach, and Halo Insider AMA on Reddit (2)
Frank O'Conner (Halo Franchise Director) Comments Regarding MCC PC Port (1)
Halo (11)