Save BRINK or leave it die

(tokamak) #41

Brink has as a really good AI, but the bots are just being told to act like retards to give you a chance of performing the objective yourself until the final minutes. They need some tweaking, is all.

(phoen1x) #42

No, i am not on console and no my reaction is fine it’s just maps are so big and designed for freaking lame hiding faggots. 3 QW servers means QW alive? Come on… And i don’t count probs crap because i really hate playing against so called pros and their magic aiming skills.

(zenstar) #43

Jeez. That was a hot bowl of hate from nowhere. Relax dude.

(Ruben0s) #44

Qw is dead as well but after 5 year it has more players than brink (at this moment qw: 128 , brink :48)

(wolfnemesis75) #45

All games are dead compared to MW3 or BF3.

(tokamak) #46

A game is dead when you can’t easily get games consistently, by that definition QW isn’t dead but Brink is. Also, Raven Shield has kicked the bucket. It desperately needs a sequel.

(Khamul) #47

ET:QW is dying too, and they didnt make qw free to play game. So just play or leave it.

(wolfnemesis75) #48

Brink wouldn’t be dead if another pack of DLC maps dropped for it. You know it. That’s some of the issue.

(.Chris.) #49

New maps wouldn’t solve anything, the last two maps didn’t help, which were ‘free’ also, how would any more help that would need to be paid for?

The best thing SD can do right now is concentrate on their next title.

(GR0MIT) #50

Save the SMART system and let the rest die, make a new game thats finshed and vaired that has gone through several public BETA testing periods.

(gold163) #51

You KNOW that’s never going to happen. Enemy Territory sequel? Plausible. An actual new Rainbow Six? Go cry in a corner.