I did a quick search and wasn’t able to find anything in the forums here, but I’ve been playing Brink a bit more recently, however my stats do not seem to be updating. I notice the game ‘sync up’ with Steam every time I exit the game, but no dice on the stats page. What’s the deal? It shows the last time I played was November 11th, but I put in a good 5 hours Friday night / Saturday morning.
My Stats don't always update.
I myself also interested in status updates…
I also play frequently Brink, my status is sometimes registers OK, sometimes NOT, what’s the problem?
Status must be registered for all Objective and Stopwatch modes no matter of how mach are boot in the game, or not?
How do I know which server to properly monitor and update our status?
In the another group I found this topic where the server has a problem with the status updates of players:
[Stats not recording for my server]