xbox players

(mayhemzz22) #1

Looking for brink players on 360 add me


(wolfnemesis75) #2

I play Brink and know a bunch of dudes that do too.

(nephandys) #3

Feel free to add me. I know a lot of other Brink players as well. I’m not sure if my list is full. If it is just send me a pm. I’ll be playing SMNC on my PC tonight, but I’ll be around in Xbox land later this week.

(The Ranger) #4

Add me : rotweiler 4 , just starting out , might change gt too

(its al bout security) #5

ill prolly be on sometime soon its hard to wrap my head around this ever since i bought my roomate… cod XD

GT lago coach

(Zekariah) #6

Feel free to add me. But serious Brink time has gone out the window for me. Since BF3 and Gears 3 came out, I find it hard to motivate myself to come back for a tour.