Dirty Bomb

A game of snipers ( 2 3 4 5 ) [General Chat] (85)
In Loving Memory of Sven ‘c4te’ Metzger [Announcements] (16)
Settings reset every relaunch [Bug Reports] (2)
Revisiting after 4 years. How do we get Mercs since the games is almost dead? [General Chat] (3)
Game cases [General Chat] (1)
Maintenance ( 2 3 ) [Community Support] (44)
Execution Game Mode [General Chat] (3)
All mercs for everyone [General Chat] (4)
Plz shutdown dirty bomb now [General Chat] (4)
Ping [Bug Reports] (1)
So is DB dead? [General Chat] (11)
Steam achievements [General Chat] (6)
Any inventory you don't want just give it to me [Trading Post] (1)
Dirty Bomb Shut down Right not, and not awailable [Bug Reports] (7)
Trades from steam do not complete the achievements! [Bug Reports] (2)
Your best DirtyBomb Meme? ( 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 ) [General Chat] (4304)
A perm AUSSIE server [General Chat] (5)
I can’t launch dirty bomb - crached without error! [Bug Reports] (12)
Performance issues [General Chat] (4)
Where can i buy Dirty Bomb T-short ? [Game Guides] (4)
Video Settings Optimization Tips/FPS Help (Somewhat in-depth) [Game Guides] (9)
Keep on getting kicked [Bug Reports] (1)
Game crashes almost instantly [Community Support] (4)
Dirty Bomb really updating? [Community Support] (2)
Banned for offensive language [General Chat] (9)
Banned 5 years ago [Community Support] (5)
Crash to desktop [Community Support] (7)
Looking for rare Sparks loadout cards [Trading Post] (1)
Execution C4 exploit or not? [General Chat] (10)
A better server for latin guys [Community Support] (3)