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What language do you learn? ( 2 ) (25)
DB related, but not actually DB... (1)
Recommend obscure Youtubers. (10)
What 144 Hz monitor (10)
Basic BBCode - Updated! ( 2 ) (39)
Describe the user above you with a pic. (4)
Are Holidays a Chore? (10)
Why people don't like Donald Trump ? (19)
Dirty Bomb community manager- Shoe got a good voice ? (9)
What is Troll ? (5)
How to add pictures in this forum ? (13)
how to create a poll in this forum ? (9)
Jackal/CDA quotes (4)
Any car audio people in here (6)
So... (9)
DB Forum Birthdays! (3)
Nice Job (17)
Upgrade (18)
Other multiplayer games that has good server in Aus? (5)
Sponsorship (3)
Team Balance (7)
Although another game (6)
In case anyone was wondering how DB might have ended up with Nexon in charge... (13)
When can I change a profile pic on my profile? (7)
Lose this sadly | Проигрывать невесело (4)
Ruiner (2)
Seems fishy (5)
What is your thoughts on Tattoos? (9)
seasoned croutons (4)