What language do you learn?

(TheStrangerous) #21

@Ptiloui said:

@TheStrangerous said:
Americans complaining about Despacito.

Well, you think we, the Eastern European block didn’t catch Spanish AIDS, brought by Argentinian Llama?

This theme gave me bigger cancer than Despacito.

Hu ? This sounds so much better than Despacito to me xD

If you want “spanish” cancer, there is -corte-

OOOhhh… that too was cancer. Don’t get me started on Macarena…

Now I wouldn’t have a beef with “I Change Sad” (butchered translation, lol, I know). If my mother or grandma didn’t constantly watch that culebrón on TV. Now the theme’s carved to my brain for good… :# :# :#

(bgyoshi) #22

@TheStrangerous said:
Americans complaining about Despacito.

Because Reggaeton and Bachata ARE cancer

Well, you think we, the Eastern European block didn’t catch Spanish AIDS, brought by Argentinian Llama?

No, you have something worse…


:weary: :weary: :weary: :weary: :weary: :weary:

(Xenithos) #23

A lot of you probably already know this, but I speak roughly 4th year level spanish fluently because I had 8 years of it in middle school through High school, and also because instead of getting a phonics book when I was in Kindergarten I got a Spanish textbook activity thing.

Probably also helps that I’m Mexican. The accent comes so easy to me after speaking it so long that I can just flip it on when speaking Spanish. I can get away with figuring out a phrasing for whatever I need to ask, so even if I’m not correct, they know what I’m asking. I can hold conversations, it’s fun. Actually joined a few spanish clans in Legion of Heroes when I first began to practice Spanish more at home.

I would say studyspanish.com is one of the best places I used while studying it in High School. It gets to the point and is usually pretty easy to not only navigate, but also understand. It’s gone through some serious revamps and changes since I used it though, so I can’t say it’s the exact same either.

(martha_smith) #24

Pyccki - (russian)

(TheManBehindTheMask) #25

English, German, Italian and my mother tounge Croatian.