What language do you learn?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Either out of pure fascination or forcefully, or for no reason or both.
Tell us, your level of motivation and the reason and maybe provide some ways you learn.

To me, Mexican Spanish.


Always did have obsession with Mexican culture, through cartoons, games, movies, and the list goes on. Spanish always snuck in and keeps sneaking in, into mainstream media. Coupled with the fact, that my love for Spaghetti Westerns are the by-product of this fascination result.

Now why MEXICAN and not Spanish? Cause I don’t understand Castillian, “B” and “V” both sound like “B”, same with “Z” and “S”, both sounding like “S”. And don’t get me started on “LL”, this letter suffers from Mandela effect, I swear, somebody has planted inter-dimensional portals all over my house…
Oh, and it has no 2nd person plural B)

How I learn?
Started with textbook, 'til dropped it in favor of the Internet’s online dictionary and verb conjugations + Memrise + Listening to Spanish covers/songs.

It was tough as cojones in the beginning, but got easier as time went on. Like playing a proper video game, with brain simulating challenge and difficulty. So follow you dreams! Keep on goin’! If you ever had any language to learn, in mind.

(bgyoshi) #2

When I was young I wanted to learn German because it’s less popular than Spanish

When I got older I wanted to learn Spanish because it’s more useful than any other second language here.

Зараз я вивчаю Українську мову, тому що мій чоловік українець

I’m learning Ukrainian because my husband is from there, and it’s much more interesting and rhythmic than Russian, not as harsh, and I’d like to be able to talk to his family without having him translate everything between us.

Plus, it’s pretty cool being able to read non-roman letters!

I mostly learn on Duolingo, and pick up other phrases here and there. If he’d ever stop being lazy, maybe my husband will actually start speaking it with me at home for practice, but he complains about having a difficult time switching between english and another language (he speaks three of them) without being conversational.

Some day!

(AlbinMatt) #3

I have been trying to learn German
Some troll friend told me it was easy because English was Germanic in nature. Now some of my teachers think I actually understand it, despite me not even knowing how to pronounce umlauts, let alone construct a grammatically correct sentence that won’t send a Bavarian in a hissy fit.

Also tried learning Mandarin. Was pretty good for a while, but then I gave up when my grandma showed me Cantonese, and said that my grandfather’s side mostly speaks Ho Kian. Now we just stare at each other awkwardly during family reunions as all the old guys choke each other over who’s stock is worth more than what in like three different “Chinese” languages.

I’m honestly impressed at how some of you have such willpower to learn a different language.

(bgyoshi) #4

@AlbinMatt said:
I have been trying to learn German
Some troll friend told me it was easy because English was Germanic in nature. Now some of my teachers think I actually understand it, despite me not even knowing how to pronounce umlauts, let alone construct a grammatically correct sentence that won’t send a Bavarian in a hissy fit.

a - aw (like tAll)
ä - ay (like sAY)

o - oh (like phOne)
ö - ur (like fURther)

u - oo (like fOOd)
ü - ue (like grUEl. Tür = TUER)

Grammar is mostly identical to english with some small changes sometimes, like keine negating a noun or negating a sentence depending on where you put it. Most of the time you can just build the sentence identical to english and get away with it.

(GatoCommodore) #5

@bgyoshi said:

@AlbinMatt said:
I have been trying to learn German
Some troll friend told me it was easy because English was Germanic in nature. Now some of my teachers think I actually understand it, despite me not even knowing how to pronounce umlauts, let alone construct a grammatically correct sentence that won’t send a Bavarian in a hissy fit.

a - aw (like tAll)
ä - ay (like sAY)

o - oh (like phOne)
ö - ur (like fURther)

u - oo (like fOOd)
ü - ue (like grUEl. Tür = TUER)

Grammar is mostly identical to english with some small changes sometimes, like keine negating a noun or negating a sentence depending on where you put it. Most of the time you can just build the sentence identical to english and get away with it.

Englisch ist die bessere Sprache

(AlbinMatt) #6

@GatoCommodore said:

@bgyoshi said:

@AlbinMatt said:
I have been trying to learn German
Some troll friend told me it was easy because English was Germanic in nature. Now some of my teachers think I actually understand it, despite me not even knowing how to pronounce umlauts, let alone construct a grammatically correct sentence that won’t send a Bavarian in a hissy fit.

a - aw (like tAll)
ä - ay (like sAY)

o - oh (like phOne)
ö - ur (like fURther)

u - oo (like fOOd)
ü - ue (like grUEl. Tür = TUER)

Grammar is mostly identical to english with some small changes sometimes, like keine negating a noun or negating a sentence depending on where you put it. Most of the time you can just build the sentence identical to english and get away with it.

Englisch ist die bessere Sprache

Well, you just sparked the Fifth Reich.

Thanks for all those tups Bgyoshi. It’s the letter locked but not really pronounciation that kinda throws me off, but it still can’t deny how useful Deutsche is.

(Da_Mummy) #7

Klingt auch in den meisten Fällen besser und ist wesentlich flexibler.

But honestly I’d love to learn russian. Not only because I want to roast some idiots in video games (believe it or not that used to be half the reason) but because a lot of my friends speak it fluently and it would make things hell of a lot easier for them. But up until then some basic Spanish, French and Latin are something that comes in handy quite a bit.
If you really want to learn languages better, bring them into your everyday life. Half of my English knowledge comes from YouTube videos and the other half is just practice when I was visiting relatives in Ireland.
It’s all a lot easier once you’re committed to it .

(Mc1412013) #8

I sbould have become fluent in spanish 8 yrs ago but cant speak more than 20 words of the language

(bgyoshi) #9

@Da_Mummy said:

But honestly I’d love to learn russian.

There are only a few things you need to know:

Хуй (hui) is the most useful and versatile word in existence, and literally means penis, but can be declined or conjugated or turned into an adjective with all manner of suffixes, prefixes, and context.

Ебал (ebal) means fuck (fuck you)

Нахуй (nahui) means to continuously fuck (with a penis)

Иди нахуй (idi nahui) Means Go (in the form implying “you” the person you’re talking to) to continuously fuck with a penis. AKA Go fuck yourself. You can spam this to any shittalking russian and sound fluent in the language

Шлюха (shlyuha) is a whore, the most used insult next to хуй

Сука (suka) also means whore. There’s also like… 10000 words for whore

Блеать (blyat) has many spellings but it’s mostly an offensive exclamation and not really an insult to another person

Твою мать (tvoyu mat’) Means your (IN THE INFORMAL) mother i.e. fuck your mother

And if you want to be a pro, memorize this:

Пошел нахуй даун ебанный, ебал твою, блять, семью пидроасов СУКА БЛЯТЬ!

Poshel nahui da’oon ebanniy ebal tvoyu blyat sem-yu pidroasov SUKA BLYAT

You can already see some things coming out in this marvelous sentence where you proclaim to your shitlords that fuck him he’s a faggot, you fucked his (implied) mother, and you also fucked his entire faggot family. Then you just shout obscenities.

If you think I’m even remotely far off from how russians speak to each other, then I challenge you to research more on Russians

The last word you need is Пиздец (pizdets) which literally means something about female genitals, but used to proclaim that everything is shit.

Congratulations, you’re now fluent


(Da_Mummy) #10

Thx so much. I love it
and to give some german back: you can never go wrong with good old “Scheiße” (shiza) :3

(Ptiloui) #11

@Da_Mummy said:
Thx so much. I love it
and to give some german back: you can never go wrong with good old “Scheiße” (shiza) :3

I thought the eszett ß wasn’t used anymore.

(Da_Mummy) #12

Actually there is even a capital ß now for some reason and since the uniting of East and West our grammar has changed 3 times so yeah german is weird.
I still prefer English anyway and sometimes I’m looking for words in german that I clearly know in english

(bgyoshi) #13

@Ptiloui said:

I thought the eszett ß wasn’t used anymore.

I actually just sent some mail to a friend in Germany who’s address has an eszett in it lol

(K1X455) #14

Was gonna make a separate thread about this, but the GG language is something I learned since CS 1.2… now it’s different.

(TheStrangerous) #15

Shamelessly bumping (ironically) this thread.
Yep, more proof on how Spanish is taking over the world. Starting to believe it’s gonna dominate English one day. Remember how French was so mainstream? Yeah, me neither, maybe “su abuelos” or something.

Again, never played RE4, but watched buncha reviews, vids, speedruns and cutscenes, much like MGS series.
To think these zombies are called “The herd”…

oh and…



Thanks! I learned new catchphrases B)

(GatoCommodore) #16

yea i still remember how funny Re4 is
one of the best games i’ve ever played.

one of the downside is just quicktime events…

(Shenaynays) #17

Theres 10 types of people in the world
Those who understand binary and those who don’t

(well im learning java so this sort of the language im learning xD )

(bgyoshi) #18

@Shenaynays said:
Theres 10 types of people in the world

Actually there’s 00110010 types of people in the world…

01010100 01101000 01101111 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100

(TheStrangerous) #19

Americans complaining about Despacito.

Well, you think we, the Eastern European block didn’t catch Spanish AIDS, brought by Argentinian Llama?

This theme gave me bigger cancer than Despacito.

(Ptiloui) #20

@TheStrangerous said:
Americans complaining about Despacito.

Well, you think we, the Eastern European block didn’t catch Spanish AIDS, brought by Argentinian Llama?

This theme gave me bigger cancer than Despacito.

Hu ? This sounds so much better than Despacito to me xD

If you want “spanish” cancer, there is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0PisGe66mY