Seems fishy

(Steve_Harvey) #1

Why does Spotify assume its ok to play random songs not on my playlist in the middle of it on mobile even tho I have that option off

(GatoCommodore) #2

@Steve_Harvey said:
Why does Spotify assume its ok to play random songs not on my playlist in the middle of it on mobile even tho I have that option off

why do you even have spotify in the first place?

there is a reason people who are woke in IT dont use services like this.

(henki000) #3

I use AT Player and soundcloud for specific songs. For random music there is PCRadio. Do not support Spotify, they promote only cartel record companies. It’s riddicculous proportion of money they give to artists. Shady business.

(Steve_Harvey) #4

These didn’t particularly answer my stated question, but I will use the other platforms given to me. Thanks for the tips!

(Mc1412013) #5

I use youtube red