Although another game

(K1X455) #1

Sir Swag says a lot of truth that applies to Dirty Bomb players in this video:

(TheStrangerous) #2

Playing Healer in majority of Team Based Games:

Playing Healer in DB:

Also OG Battlefront made it right, by combining fire support, engineer and medic class into 1 class:

(NK.NewNightmare) #3

What exactly?

(Ptiloui) #4

Maybe i will put too much philosophy here but i think this problem comes from the human race itself : we’re way more creative when it comes to kill people or destroy things than we are for preserving or restoring them.

Let’s play one game : we currently have 22 mercs. Only 6 of them have abilities that can save or protect teammates (The 5 medics + Turtle), the other 16 are either design to kill or at least not providing any direct help. Now, try to balance this trend by designing 10 original ways to protect, heal, or revive people.

I would be really surprised (but happy :)) if you can easily find them.

(FLLaguna) #5

I think Dirty Bomb provides us with hundreds of hours of gaming enjoyment and all the server power for free. I had view online about this game and found out that I can choose a variety of different mercenaries, equipment and features that suits my style and I can also master my skills and experience in team play.

(Mc1412013) #6

@TheStrangerous said:
Playing Healer in majority of Team Based Games:

Playing Healer in DB:

Also OG Battlefront made it right, by combining fire support, engineer and medic class into 1 class:

Sir/mam/phantom i beleive you are lost you should have made a left turn towards the meme thread. LOL