(Mc1412013) #1

Important Net neutrality is under atack psa.

dip$%&* pai wants to abolish net neutrality which WILL hinder inovation and your ability to use the web.
I know this isnt in the right spot in forums but this is way to important of information.

(TheStrangerous) #2

Wish I could sign in to help a fella in need, but I’m European…

(Xenithos) #3

@Mc1412013 said:
Important Net neutrality is under atack psa.

dip$%&* pai wants to abolish net neutrality which WILL hinder inovation and your ability to use the web.
I know this isnt in the right spot in forums but this is way to important of information

I would love to be able to make a point for keeping it, but my senator has already made his opinion clear, and most of them seem to either be bought out or not. Especially considering the recent investigation into FCC being hacked with a flood of people for striking net neutrality down. I would in fact point you to some better articles than just crappy YouTube articles. A point to be made, I’m from an IT/Networking+ vocational program with triple certification, I know exactly what Net Neutrality is, and at this point I would say there’s almost nothing we can realistically do besides Pray and hold on.

Some extra links as to why it should stay around and why we shouldn’t just believe everything will be hunkydory:
Comcast deleted and then changed their Net Neutrality pledge the day FCC announced repeal of net neutrality.
Verizon’s playing a waiting game of Dodgeball with the only FORMAL FCC complaint versus 35,000 informal complaints SINCE the 2-3 year creation of the Net Neutrality rules being adopted.

Also, for anyone wanting to know why sometimes even the rules were ignored and companies were still able to do what they want while living under these rules… Here’s the 117 page PDF of what you have to fill out to even be looked at by FCC.

(AlbinMatt) #4

I love seeing how you developed folks go mad over this, while some of us are using VPNs just to not get sniped by the government kver accessing “foreign propaganda”.

I would love to keep net neutrality though, but there must be a better way other than anonymous petitions and street riots.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #5

Where’s Anonymous when you need them

(Meerkats) #6

@Xenithos said:
At this point I would say there’s almost nothing we can realistically do besides Pray and hold on.
Pretty much.

Ajit Pai cares for the Internet and common human decency as much as another pathological, sociopath, Cheetoh™fucker shitbag we all know cares for democracy and his constituents.

(Press E) #7

@Meerkats said:

@Xenithos said:
At this point I would say there’s almost nothing we can realistically do besides Pray and hold on.
Pretty much.

Ajit Pai will never give a single @$!# about constituents or even human decency. Ever.

Hey, if we’re going down I’d rather go down screaming and kicking, lol

(GatoCommodore) #8

There is two sides in this fight

Government Regulated Internet (the current status quo) (The one people are fighting for)
ISP Regulated Internet (if the so-called net neutrality dies)

both are not in any way “Neutral” or “Good”

The Govt. Regulated Internet currently used for spreading propaganda aimed at citizen to work against their own interest (thx to Obama Propaganda Ban was lifted on christmas)

The ISP Regulated Internet in concept is more freedom because you can choose ISP that arent scumbags who sells private data but then, to own or create a start up ISP, one must jump through hundreds of loops and hoops to the point that it would take years until you get your first profit.

the ideal scenario is people will flock to the Good guy cheap ISP and free market will sort these scumbags out.

the reality is big corporate like google cant even do good with google fiber in some area because there are no government support. If Google, the biggest baddest most influential company out there cant do it, how the hell a good guy ISP will start up and expect no competition?

If the-so-called net neutrality dies we’re screwd
if the Govt. Regulated Internet lives only USA gets screwd

pick your poison.

(Eox) #9

Moving to off topic. I left a redirect link on general discussion. I might put this as an announcement later.

(AlbinMatt) #10

@Eox said:
I might put this as an announcement later.

When a French moderator for a video game cares about your politics, you know you’re in deep waters.

(emjot) #11

@AlbinMatt said:

@Eox said:
I might put this as an announcement later.

When a French moderator for a video game cares about your politics, you know you’re in deep waters.

nonUS people should support US citizens in this matter, if we won’t we may be next, UE is capable of doing stuff like this.

(Eox) #12

I announced the thread in off topic and recent discussions and took the liberty to change the title a bit.

(TheStrangerous) #13

Non Americans also care, cause of globalization and how every other country has “Follow the Leader” mentality, when it comes to American trends.

(GatoCommodore) #14

There is two sides in this fight

Government Regulated Internet (the current status quo) (The one people are fighting for)
ISP Regulated Internet (if the so-called net neutrality dies)

both are not in any way “Neutral” or “Good”

The Govt. Regulated Internet currently used for spreading propaganda aimed at citizen to work against their own interest (thx to Obama Propaganda Ban was lifted on christmas)

The ISP Regulated Internet in concept is more freedom because you can choose ISP that arent scumbags who sells private data but then, to own or create a start up ISP, one must jump through hundreds of loops and hoops to the point that it would take years until you get your first profit.

the ideal scenario is people will flock to the Good guy cheap ISP and free market will sort these scumbags out.

the reality is big corporate like google cant even do good with google fiber in some area because there are no government support. If Google, the biggest baddest most influential company out there cant do it, how the hell a good guy ISP will start up and expect no competition?

If the-so-called net neutrality dies we’re screwd
if the Govt. Regulated Internet lives only USA gets screwd

pick your poison.


Oh, you silly rebels. Nothing to worry about here! Just go out and buy our Spyware-ridden, datamining, and talking advertisement smart home devices this holiday season and all will be well!

… I despise Google, AT&T, FaceBook, and many others. Load up those Linux machines or DuckDuckGo with a VPN, folks. The age of censorship and intrusion is already beginning. I wonder where we’ve seen these things throughout history before. Hmm.

(bgyoshi) #16

@GatoCommodore said:

The ISP Regulated Internet in concept is more freedom because you can choose ISP that arent scumbags who sells private data but then, to own or create a start up ISP, one must jump through hundreds of loops and hoops to the point that it would take years until you get your first profit.

the ideal scenario is people will flock to the Good guy cheap ISP and free market will sort these scumbags out.

The ideal scenario won’t happen unfortunately, like you said.

The free market created monopolization that killed business start ups in the late 1800s and started Anti-Trust laws

The big wig ISPs have already tried merging several times (see: Time Warner and ATT) and gotten slapped by the DOJ, but those are likely to roll out anyway. There are already large places throughout the country where you only get one option for internet service, and the operating company is too big for the little good guy startup to ever hope to operate in those areas.

(Xenithos) #17

@Wintergreen said:
Oh, you silly rebels. Nothing to worry about here! Just go out and buy our Spyware-ridden, datamining, and talking advertisement smart home devices this holiday season and all will be well!

… I despise Google, AT&T, FaceBook, and many others. Load up those Linux machines or DuckDuckGo with a VPN, folks. The age of censorship and intrusion is already beginning. I wonder where we’ve seen these things throughout history before. Hmm.

There’s a book called 1984. Linux machines, VPNs, etc, only go so far. You have to have a provider, and providers can still track bandwidth influxes. Only a matter of time.


@Xenithos said:

@Wintergreen said:
Oh, you silly rebels. Nothing to worry about here! Just go out and buy our Spyware-ridden, datamining, and talking advertisement smart home devices this holiday season and all will be well!

… I despise Google, AT&T, FaceBook, and many others. Load up those Linux machines or DuckDuckGo with a VPN, folks. The age of censorship and intrusion is already beginning. I wonder where we’ve seen these things throughout history before. Hmm.

There’s a book called 1984. Linux machines, VPNs, etc, only go so far. You have to have a provider, and providers can still track bandwidth influxes. Only a matter of time.

Great book. Atlas Shrugged and the rest of Ayn Rand’s work are among my favorites as well. Agree with your point entirely, though. A quiet life is all I ask for and that’s gradually evaporating away. Not much of a doomsday theorist, but the **** goin’ on throughout the world and especially the west is pretty scary. Lots of parallels to draw from some not-so-pleasant times in the past.

(AlbinMatt) #19

Psat, while we’re being all rebellious and such, anyone got a free pdf of 1984? Books are a fortune here, except the government approved dreadful romance novels, which is ironic considering how mad the censorship department is about the smallest of feminine curve.

(Runeforce) #20

The American public is finally getting the gatekeepers to information we we so long yearned for! It’s a bright future ahead indeed: my ISP stocks are already up by twenty percent! God bless America and our tremendously beloved great commander Trump!

@GatoCommodore said:
The Govt. Regulated Internet currently used for spreading propaganda aimed at citizen to work against their own interest (thx to Obama Propaganda Ban was lifted on christmas)

YES, EXACTLY! The rest of y’all need to STOP being such SHEEPLE, listening to FAKE NEWS and instead OPEN YOUR EYES and see the TRUTH, like GatoCommodore here, a fine citizen and excellent crusader, and quite a thinker’s man I might add, who is an inspiration of light to us all, handsomely showering his wisdom!