Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory   General Chat

Playing Wolf: ET in 2019 ( 2 ) (38)

A week or so ago I was asked to make a Facebook post about a few active Wolf:ET communities. I did, and almost 1000 comments later, I realised just how excited you all are still for the game! So, with the help of =F|A…

ET OSX 2.60d ( 2 3 4 5 ) (96)
Your ET Gaming Experience as a newbie - the State of the Art (18)
Need some help (1)
ET: Could't load default.cfg (3)
SAS| Gaming Community (new clan) (8)
Not etkey found (3)
Unreleased UltraET Mod from 2005-2013 / staatsschutz.org (3)
Game not works properly (4)
Happy 20th birthday, ET! (3)
E.t Movie. ( 2 3 ) (48)
DeathRowInmates is back! (6)
Questions for map-makers (3)
Why are Turkey's so expensive? (2)
Server: Redirect / Lock Menu Options / Server Name Theft (1)
Top 15 Wolfenstein:ET movies (10)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory in microsoft store! (2)
18th Birthday (2)
Map idea: Neuschwabenland (2)
Splash Damage Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory community server is live! (3)
Enemy Territory Americas 6v6 Cup (2)
Verry lagy game play (4)
True:Paintball | Open Beta 1, Launched (6)
Thompson vs. MP40 (13)
Master list hack (2)
Master list down (5)
maseter server list down (20)
ET: Connection problem or between maps - blaming ISP (15)
Scroll list on menu (3)