ET: Could't load default.cfg

(pingi) #1


i have dowloaded ET 2.60d and copied the Wolfenstein ET to my Appilication folder. Then installed pb.

After running it via double click it says: Could’t load default.cfg

Same with 2.60c. I have no idea. I have set the permissions to red/write for everyone.

MacOS 10.12.1

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

(KeMoN) #2

Standard W:ET is not compatible with your OS.
However, you are in luck. There is a nifty project which solves that: ET: Legacy

Please download the MAC OS X installer (or archive) and give that a go.
If you run into trouble or generally need help setting the installation up, please refer to the Installation Guide.

If you should still encounter problems, then please don’t hesitate to contact me here or via our forums.


(Kli0rf) #3

Given the path in the console i’d say it’s quite obvious the problem has to do with the security. Your OS is trying to run the game in quarantine. Check the permission bits of the directory of your game: ls -ld /Applications/Wolfenstein ET. If there’s an “@” symbol at the end of permission bits, that must be it then. Removing the quarantine bit from the whole directory should do the trick: xattr -d -r /Applications/Wolfenstein ET. Keep in mind there’s a space character in the path, which has to be escaped with the backslash (/Applications/Wolfenstein\ ET) otherwise you want to put the dir path in quotes ("/Applications/Wolfenstein ET") when using the terminal.
Just noticed the question was asked 8 years ago. Oh well, hopefully someone finds it helpful. :slight_smile: